Level 1

How to file HST return in QuickBooks desktop.

I remember working at the book keeping firm and she used to make some adjustments before filing. When I click on File Sales Tax, the amount on line 109 shows -$23.99 and at the bottom it says "Your HST is ready to file" with green tick mark.

Not applicable


Yes that is the function step to file the sales tax return in QB.

No one external can tell you if you need to make any adjustments - you have to determine that yourself.  If every transaction impacting sales tax has been recorded using the 'sales tax code' on a QB document then likely there are no 'adjustments' required.  But if anything has been posted by journal entry, or if you have made any of the 'special' transactions that have to reported separately on the tax return then an "adjustment" will be needed to make those entries onto the tax form.

Note that if you select the "online filing" option then QB will create a special file that you upload to CRA.  The upload is a separate step you have to execute after the report creation is finished.  If you file manually, or by GSTnetfile, or using a banks "tax filing" portal, then you should select "paper or other method" as the QB filing option.

Level 1


Thanks for your help. Just one more question. If we select Online filing option to upload to CRA, we would need to have a Web access code and a user name and password, correct?
Not applicable


There are 5 different CRA filing options.
QB's "online" option is what CRA calls "internet file transfer" which requires only an access code (as does GSTnetfile)
Level 1


Thank you for your help. So the Internet file transfer asks for Account # and Web access code. Is the Account # same as the e-file # that I received from CRA?
Not applicable


Probably either the file number or your GST# - sorry i haven't used that service for quite a while.
Level 1


Thanks for your support. Appreciate your help!
Level 1


My QB Pro 2020 takes me to CRA's NETFILE page where there is no option to upload the QB .tax file.  The HST data then has to be entered manually.  How can QB be set up to go to CRA's Internet File Transfer page where the .tax file can be uploaded directly?


Thank you.


Level 1


I found this way works but I was expecting it to be all automatic.

you have to find on cra "internet file transfer" from there you can attach your file you will need your cra web access code.  then pay from "my payment"

Level 1


Thank you for your reply.

Yes, too bad it's not automatic. I've been doing it the way you described as well. It should be seamless and it should be easy enough for Intuit to fix.