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Efile Error 149-S or 149-R
This is a catch-all and unspecified error that CRA does not give you the reason it was issued.
Probable causes:
a. Rental Schedule (T776) and Business Statements such as T2125, Farming, Fishing etc.
- All submitted statements must have at least $1 in Gross Income and Net Income. (Net Income can be negative). Inspect them via the BSUM and Rental Summary.
- All individual income lines and individual expenses must be Positive and at least $1
- ALL partner Names and addresses must be fully entered (Street, City, Postal)
- The Business NAICS code (Industry code) must be selected from the list and it must be 6 numbers.
b. T1135: Telephone numbers at the end must be in the format (999) 999-9999
c. INFO form: You cannot Efile a return with address outside Canada
d. T2091: Principal Residence: Address must be provided in full and country must be 3 characters
e. Total number of SFD's must not exceed 6 . SFD's (Selected Financial Statements) are: T2125, T776, T2091, T777. TL2, Farming (T2042, T1273, T1163), Fishing (T2121).
If you cannot resolve it, contact VisualTax with Teamviewer Id/Password.
J'ai trouvé ceci en anglais....
Efile Error 149-S or 149-R
This is a catch-all and unspecified error that CRA does not give you the reason it was issued.
Probable causes:
a. Rental Schedule (T776) and Business Statements such as T2125, Farming, Fishing etc.
- All submitted statements must have at least $1 in Gross Income and Net Income. (Net Income can be negative). Inspect them via the BSUM and Rental Summary.
- All individual income lines and individual expenses must be Positive and at least $1
- ALL partner Names and addresses must be fully entered (Street, City, Postal)
- The Business NAICS code (Industry code) must be selected from the list and it must be 6 numbers.
b. T1135: Telephone numbers at the end must be in the format (999) 999-9999
c. INFO form: You cannot Efile a return with address outside Canada
d. T2091: Principal Residence: Address must be provided in full and country must be 3 characters
e. Total number of SFD's must not exceed 6 . SFD's (Selected Financial Statements) are: T2125, T776, T2091, T777. TL2, Farming (T2042, T1273, T1163), Fishing (T2121).
If you cannot resolve it, contact VisualTax with Teamviewer Id/Password.
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