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Level 1

Efile federal slips web site link shows 'This service has moved'

I am trying to efile 2024 T4 and T5 slips but the external website link that I was directed to shows "This service has moved'.   Does anyone else have the same problem?  

25 Comments 25
Level 2

Efile federal slips web site link shows 'This service has moved'

We are having the same issue.

Level 2

Efile federal slips web site link shows 'This service has moved'

Same for us as well. CRA says it's a ProFile issue.

Level 1

Efile federal slips web site link shows 'This service has moved'

You need to click on the disclaimer area for internet filing and it takes you to the new portal.

Level 2

Efile federal slips web site link shows 'This service has moved'

After clicking on the disclaimer link and agreeing to the terms, it just brings us to a CRA sign-in page. We then manually filled in our account number and web access code. It still failed, but are we expected to go through this process each time?

I Wat
Level 2

Efile federal slips web site link shows 'This service has moved'

Me too.  I also got a message saying "transmitter CRA account number given in the attached T619..... does not match the account number you used to sign in".  

Level 2

Efile federal slips web site link shows 'This service has moved'

We are having the same issue.  The Profile person says that the CRA is not recognizing our business number (which we've used for eons).  CRA Tslip line is full and they say call back later.

Level 2

Efile federal slips web site link shows 'This service has moved'

I spoke with a Profile chat agent today to troubleshoot this problem, and finally managed to efile T5018 slips.


There are many technical changes for the 2024 filing year - please check all the following:


 1) Under EFILE -> Options -> T3/FX -> Transmitter:

     - Ensure Transmitter Name does not include any non-alpha characters (we had to remove a "." and also replaced "&" with "and");

     - Ensure Rep ID and Transmitter Numbers (Business number + Web Access Code) are filled in


2) Under EFILE -> Options -> T3/FX -> Contact information:

     - Ensure both contacts are filled in, including an email address


3) Under Options -> Environment -> Preparer, ensure RepID is filled in (matching with EFILE options above)


4) Slip Recipient names CANNOT be longer than 30 characters - this will restrict filing. In previous years, you could file despite the error message, but this is no longer allowed.


5) When you get the message "503.0 This service has moved" in the efiling window, click "File information returns electronically (tax slips and summaries), then "How to file," then "Internet file transfer." You can then proceed with filing as in previous years.


My understanding is that CRA changed their XML format for 2024, which is the cause of issues #1 through #4. Hopefully, Profile is working to fix issue #5....


I hope this helps!

I Wat
Level 2

Efile federal slips web site link shows 'This service has moved'

Thank you so much.  I followed your detailed steps and finally able to file the T4.   Have a wonderful tax season.

Level 1

Efile federal slips web site link shows 'This service has moved'

I am also getting the same error !!! 

Level 2

Efile federal slips web site link shows 'This service has moved'

Many thanks for doing this.  It's much appreciated!

We do still have to  add an XML directory do we not?


Level 2

Efile federal slips web site link shows 'This service has moved'

 I also got a message saying "transmitter CRA account number given in the attached T619..... does not match the account number you used to sign in".; has anyone found out a fix?

Level 1

Efile federal slips web site link shows 'This service has moved'

I also get the same error message.

Mario B
ProFile Team

Efile federal slips web site link shows 'This service has moved'

Hi all, we are aware of this issue and it will be fixed in the next update this week, in the meantime, you just need to click on the link highlighted below,  scroll down to click I agree.


Level 2

Efile federal slips web site link shows 'This service has moved'

Is there a way to fill in the Rep ID in Quickbooks?

I Wat
Level 2

Efile federal slips web site link shows 'This service has moved'

I fixed it by adding "RP0001" after business number under Efile-Option-T3/FX-transmitter.  Give it a try.

Sherry K
Level 2

Efile federal slips web site link shows 'This service has moved'

Has anyone found an answer.  I cannot file T5 slips for my clients 

Sherry K
Level 2

Efile federal slips web site link shows 'This service has moved'

I can get T4’s filed , but now I cannot get T5’s for my clients filed.  Rejected every time.  

Sherry K
Level 2

Efile federal slips web site link shows 'This service has moved'

Profile team please respond.  I was able to file T4’s for my clients.  But now I cannot file T5’s.  Do I need to change my BN number to an RZ number and change my WAC to the one for RZ.  This is extremely frustrating.  I have used this program for years, but I have spent hours on this problem this year. 

Sherry K
Level 2

Efile federal slips web site link shows 'This service has moved'

Is anyone having difficulty filing T5's in profile.  I have been using this program for many years.  This year it is a nightmare.  My transmissions keep getting rejected.  I am beyond frustrated this year.  I am able to file T4's for my clients.  However, when I file T5's I change my account number to RZ as the transmitter and I enter my Web Access Code for my RZ Number as I am the transmitter.  I enter my clients BN number as an RZ number.  The transmissions keep getting rejected by CRA.  If anyone else is having this problem, how did you fix it.

Mario B
ProFile Team

Efile federal slips web site link shows 'This service has moved'

Hi Sherry,


in Profile, under  EFILE options, you enter your business number , a 15 digits number,  and you create the XML (the XML will include this business number), then on the CRA website, you enter the exact same 15 digits business number and the WAC, associated with the business number. If this doe snot work, its might be that your WAC does not allow filing T5, you would need to request a WAC for T5.


Hope this helps.

Level 2

Efile federal slips web site link shows 'This service has moved'

Mario, Is there a guide on this new process for filing T4's with our business number and rep ID number in Quick Books? 

Mario B
ProFile Team
Mario B
ProFile Team

Efile federal slips web site link shows 'This service has moved'

Sorry @GCAM, the article above is for Filing slips from QBO, not from Protax.

Level 2

Efile federal slips web site link shows 'This service has moved'

Oh ok. Will there be a QuickBooks Desktop Update before Feb 28? or should I Reenter my Data into FX?

Grant C.