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Import a QuickBooks Online customer list to Outlook

by Intuit3 Updated 2 weeks ago

Learn how to import your customer list in QuickBooks Online to Microsoft Outlook.

While the customer list can’t be directly imported, you can export it to Excel first, before importing the list to Outlook.

Note: The steps outlined in this article apply to Microsoft Office 2013 installed in Windows. Although these steps may work with other versions, Intuit doesn't support Microsoft applications.

For detailed steps or questions beyond exporting, go to Microsoft Help or contact Microsoft for support.

Step 1: Export and convert customer info

You have to export your customer info to Excel and then convert it to CSV format.

  1. Export the customer info from QuickBooks Online to Excel.
  2. Open the Excel file after exporting the customer info.
  3. On the Excel workbook, select File, then select Save As.
  4. Select the Save As type: dropdown, then select CSV (Comma delimited).
  5. (Optional) Rename the file so you can differentiate it from the original Excel file.
  6. Select Save. This will open a dialog box, and select OK/Yes.

Step 2: Name the data range

Once you save the customer info you can then name the data range:

  1. Open the saved customer list report in Excel.
  2. Highlight the entire block of the report, from the column headings Customer through Shipping Address to your last customer.
  3. Select Formulas from the top, then Define Name. Name this range QBData.
  4. Select OK, then select the Save icon.
  5. Close the file.

Step 3: Import data to Outlook

After you name the data range, you can import the data.

  1. In Microsoft Outlook, select File, then Open & Export.
  2. Select Import/Export to open the Import/Export wizard.
  3. Select Import from another Program or File, then Next.
  4. Select Comma Separated Values, then Next.
    Note: The Comma Separated Value (CSV file) in this scenario is the Excel file that you created.
  5. Browse to open the CSV file that contains your customer contact list report.
  6. Select the destination folder. Ideally, this is a newly created Contact Information folder, then select Next.
  7. Select the file to import and select Map Custom Fields.

Map custom fields

  1. Drag either Customer or Full Name to Name.
  2. Drag the Billing Address to Billing Address, Home Address, or Other Address.
  3. Drag the Shipping Address to one of the other address fields.
  4. Drag Phone Numbers to Business Phone.
  5. Scroll down the window on the right until you see + E-mail Address.
  6. Select the Plus icon (+).
  7. Drag E-mail to E-mail Address.
  8. Select OK, then Finish.

Check if all the necessary information has been imported successfully, then move contacts around as needed.

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