FAQs about using LMN and QuickBooks Desktop
by Intuit• Updated 7 months ago
Get answer to FAQs about using Landscape Management Network (LMN) and QuickBooks Desktop.
How do I set up and use job costing in Quickbooks?
Learn about setting up and tracking job costs in QuickBooks Desktop.
How do I resolve user permissions issues?
Make sure to sign in as an admin in QuickBooks, then:
- Go to Company, then select Users.
- Select Set up Users and Roles.
- Select the user, then select View Permissions. If the QuickBooks user permissions are correct, then this may be referring to Windows user permissions. If not, move onto the next step.
- Close the Permissions window, select the user then select Edit.
- Choose from the Available Roles, then select Add.
- Select OK.
What is accrued accounting?
This is also known as accrual accounting. This relates to when an income or expense is recognized for reports and taxes. In accrual accounting, an income is shown on the reports for the date of the invoice or sales receipt. An expense is recognized on the date of the bill, check, or expense.
How do I see recognized revenue for services included in a monthly contract?
A monthly contract will either import from LMN as an invoice or be set up in QuickBooks as a monthly scheduled invoice. If you’re using accrual accounting, the revenue will be recognized on the date that is on the invoice created. This includes revenue for services and materials.
What are the product limitations?
Here’s the maximum number of list entries (list limits and custom fields). QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise has higher limitations than QuickBooks Desktop Pro or Premier.
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