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Manage QuickBooks Time team members using the access toggle for QuickBooks Time

by Intuit Updated 9 months ago

Learn to manage QuickBooks Time team members using the access toggle.

If you have QuickBooks Online Essentials, Plus, Advanced, or Accountant, you can manage QuickBooks Time team members using the access toggle there.

Team members with access turned on can track time in QuickBooks Time and are included on your QuickBooks Time bill. If you turn off access for a team member, they won't be able to use QuickBooks Time with your company and you won't be charged for them.

You can also add and manage team members in other ways.

Turn QuickBooks Time access on and off for a team member

Turn on access

  1. In QuickBooks Online, go to Time, then select Time team.
    Or, in QuickBooks Time, go to My Team.
  2. In the Access column, select the toggle to turn access on or off for that team member.

Note: A newly added team member is not automatically given access until you send an invite or turn access on for them. This includes team members added to QuickBooks Time via an accounting or payroll software.

What's the difference between turning access off and archiving a team member?

Turn off access

  • The team member can no longer log in and track time.
  • Their personal settings and assignments are retained.
  • They do not have to be re-invited when access is turned back on.


  • The team member can no longer log in and track time.
  • Their personal settings and customer assignments will be lost.
  • They must be re-invited to QuickBooks Time when unarchived.

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