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Level 3

Carryforward error message with new update

After the latest update (2022.0.0) I get the following error message when carrying forward a Profile T1 file regardless of the year...

"The method or operation is not implemented"


7 Comments 7
Mario B
ProFile Team

Carryforward error message with new update

It looks like the module has not been registered properly. I suggest that you run proreg


If that des not help, try  a repair of profile. You can find how to do this at this URL


Level 3

Carryforward error message with new update

Did not work.





Level 3

Carryforward error message with new update

Any other solutions because these did not work

Roger Verma
Level 1

Carryforward error message with new update

I am getting the same error.

Level 3

Carryforward error message with new update

Still giving me the error message after updating to 2022.0.5.


Roger Verma
Level 1

Carryforward error message with new update

Hi I found a work around for the error.


Under the options tab

Go to Environment Options

Uncheck the File Protection

Go to the Option Administration and save.

This is only a workaround there is the problem. Still the tax return can still be over written if done twice.

The profile team still need to fix this.

ProFile Duncan
ProFile Team

Carryforward error message with new update


This issue is under investigation for a fix in a ProFile update. This occurs for those using classic database, and the work around is to uncheck file protection as mentioned in this thread. 

I apologize for the inconvenience bit hope this helps