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Level 6

Print Setup Options Change by Themselves

I printed a bunch of tax returns today (mainly copies for my clients) and then realized that they look very unprofessionally: all double-sided pages were printed upside down! Why? Because the File/Print Setup/Position and Duplexing/FLIP PAGES UP box became blank (unchecked)—apparently by Profile (certainly NOT by me)! It is a third or fourth time it has happened this tax season.


In my previous posts (during this and past tax seasons) I mentioned that some options were changed by Profile, too.


Regretfully, Profile has never been able to address or fix this issue.


It is so frustrating having to deal with the same problems year after year after year.


I wonder… do users of other tax preparation tax software also experience similar problems? Somehow I don’t see too many complaints on their forums.

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Level 6

Print Setup Options Change by Themselves

Today (March 21, 2022) I had the same problem again. 


Any comments or suggestions from Profile?

Level 6

Print Setup Options Change by Themselves

Today (March 25, 2022) I had the same problem-forms printed 'upside down'.

Level 6

Print Setup Options Change by Themselves

Today (March 26, 2022) I have the same problem-forms print upside down, as the "flip-up" box is unchecked. It seems that I'm getting this problem each time I shut down my computer. Is anyone else experiencing such issues? 

Level 2

Print Setup Options Change by Themselves

Have you tried printing duplex just using your printer settings, not from Profile?  That is what I do, however I do set what I print to be only one person's return at a time so the two returns don't blend between if the first ends on a single page.

Level 6

Print Setup Options Change by Themselves



Hi Chris,  


Thanks for your suggestion. In the past I fiddled with that option and I believe it did not work for me. The current one works, but it's simply annoying (and sometimes scary, as this can cause some tax returns to be erroneous) that the options keep changing by themselves. I just must check every morning if the print, environment and module options have not changed.


I print couples and linked family members at the same time and don't have any problems with that. Unfortunately, I had other issues with printing. In the past had to call Profile support several times. For example, printing corporate tax returns was always tricky-on a few occasions I ended up with a lot of almost blank pages with just one line of 'garbage' printed at the top of each page. That's why now I never print corporate tax returns directly to the printer, but first to a pdf file and only then print the pdf file. 



Level 6

Print Setup Options Change by Themselves

Unfortunately, I have this problem every day-print settings revert automatically. Today I had to shred some printouts because they were upside down.

It would be awesome to finally hear from a Profile support team member with a suggestion how to eliminate this issue. 

Level 2

Print Setup Options Change by Themselves

One thing I missed saying, was that I print the returns to a pdf first, then send the pdf file to my printer with it set on two sided printing. That way I never have a problem (I shouldn't say never! Isn't that asking for trouble?) Since I send the invoice and letter and a summary page with a pdf copy of the return all separate to the clients in DocuSign after it's been filed, I'm printing to a pdf anyway so it doesn't take a lot of extra time or effort.  I hope this all helps to simplify your tax season!

Level 3

Print Setup Options Change by Themselves

Hello all. I was hoping someone can help me. My printer all of a sudden started printing solid black bars on all the forms and it is using up lots of ink. Also whenever I print one page and the a return after that, it starts to print double sided. Does anyone have a solution for this. This is driving me crazy. Please help.

Level 6

Print Setup Options Change by Themselves

Stevie-I have a laser printer (which is amazing, btw!) and never had such problems (solid black bars). However, on one occasion the toner cartridge was defective and indeed, there were black bars/spots all over documents. In the past I used ink printers (HP and Epson), but only occasionally, for 'special jobs' and to send/receive faxes. Yet they were so horrible that I got rid of them very quickly.


Today I came to the office in the morning and again, my print settings were reset. In addition, some menus in Profile were missing and I had to close and re-open Profile. I wonder if anyone else is having similar problems?

Level 3

Print Setup Options Change by Themselves

Good morning Jack. Thank you for taking the time to respond during this extremely busy part of the tax season.

I have finally resolved the problem but only PARTIALLY after spending 2 hours by myself and a hour and a half with the a very nice and patient tech support at the Profile.

What I realised that, every time I used the build pdf to send the encrypted file to a client, the setting of the printer automatically changed to gray scale (ticked on) and patterned colour would also be ticked on. So now if I use the pdf file to send the client and then print the return, I just click on the print setup tab, just to make sure to tick off those two and tick on the black and white tab. And it has temporarily solved the problem.

I know there is a glitch in the software because in last 10 years of using Profile, this has never happened BUT I don<t have time to fiddle around with it any more after loosing 4 precious hours during this time where the time is a very precious commodity. 

Level 6

Print Setup Options Change by Themselves

"I know there is a glitch in the software"


There are a lot of glitches in the software that Profile is unable to fix. Some years ago I had to buy a new computer (!!!) due to a very serious issue I had with Profile and nobody could help me. Eventually, after buying the computer, I managed to solve the issue and notified Profile about it-nobody expressed the slightest interest in how I solved it. 


BTW, I'm still having this print set-up issue every day. I think calling Profile is just a waste of time. Besides, in the past, when Profile solved my issue, at the same time it caused more issues to appear, that's why I'm very reluctant to let Profile make any changes to my computer/software at this time of the year. 

Level 6

Print Setup Options Change by Themselves

I still experience the issue mentioned in my original post. However, I deal with it by manually setting the print options every morning, after turning on Profile. 


Today I also went through this routine, yet I noticed that the print options reverted TWICE during the day, even though my computer was always on (and I did not even close Profile). So, some clients got their copies with double-sided pages flipped on short edge.


I'd love to hear from Profile's support here--is there ANY solution to this issue???