I found this answer:CauseMissing information in the mailing address section of the T3 return step 1.The mailing address is the same as above not selected and no...
I may be misunderstanding your issue, but it sounds like you have the default printer for that set to one of the pdf options. Check which printer is your defaul...
One thing I missed saying, was that I print the returns to a pdf first, then send the pdf file to my printer with it set on two sided printing. That way I never...
please refer to:https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/trust-administrators/t3-return/who-should-file-a-t3-return.htmlwhich states:"You have to fi...
Have you tried printing duplex just using your printer settings, not from Profile? That is what I do, however I do set what I print to be only one person's retu...