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Level 1

So I have someone who provided a Yearly receipt from a nursing home that says that they pay Municipal and School taxes but only lists one cost for the year. Not broken down with services and rent. Is it medical or rent?

So I have someone who provided a yearly receipt from a nursing home that says that they pay Municipal and School taxes but only lists one cost for the year. Not broken down with services and rent. Is it medical or rent? They do not have the disability tax credit. 

3 Comments 3
Level 3

So I have someone who provided a Yearly receipt from a nursing home that says that they pay Municipal and School taxes but only lists one cost for the year. Not broken down with services and rent. Is it medical or rent?

HI Kelly,

The best option would be to go to the nursing home and ask for a breakdown of the costs shown on the receipt.  Most homes will have that information so should be able to provide it.  If the home refuses to provide the breakdown of casts, then I don't think the receipt can be used for anything but rent (assuming your province has a provision for rent in the provincial tax return).

Level 1

So I have someone who provided a Yearly receipt from a nursing home that says that they pay Municipal and School taxes but only lists one cost for the year. Not broken down with services and rent. Is it medical or rent?

Thanks so much! That is what I figured.

Appreciate your help! Have a great summer!


Level 4

So I have someone who provided a Yearly receipt from a nursing home that says that they pay Municipal and School taxes but only lists one cost for the year. Not broken down with services and rent. Is it medical or rent?

get a letter from a doctor and claim both. see ontario specific rent comments attached.get a letter from a doctor and claim both. see ontario specific rent comments attached.