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Add a Link in an Email

by Intuit17 Updated 3 weeks ago

Use Mailchimp to get your contacts to your website, store, or landing page. You can also share audio or video files, images, documents, or spreadsheets with your contacts. Add links to your email and use click tracking to see who clicks on them.

In this article, you’ll learn how to use the link tool to add a link to your email in the new and classic builder.

Before you start

Here are some things to know before you begin this process.

  • We support mailto:, HTTP, and HTTPS protocols to create links within a campaign. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) links or mobile deep links aren't supported.
  • Merge tag links, such as *|ARCHIVE|* or *|UPDATE_PROFILE|*, can’t be tracked in click reports.
  • Mailto: links go to an email program instead of a webpage, so they can't be tracked as clicks in your campaign reports.
  • Include only one email address when using mailto: links.
  • Use a full URL for best results. Shortened links can trigger spam filters.

Types of links you can add to your email

Here are the types of links you can use.

  • Web
    Create a link to any website. The URL must be an absolute link that contains http:// or https://. You can also enter merge tags into the web field to create a link. When you create links, such as the Forward to a Friend option, the merge tag creates a link to that form.

    In the classic builder, use the web address option to create a link to a phone number. Enter tel: followed by your phone number (tel:yournumber) into the Web address (URL) field. Linked numbers may not work on every phone, so test your email before you send.
  • Email
    Create a mailto: link to send responses to a single email address when your subscribed contacts click the link. Enter your content for the Message Subject and Message Body, which will automatically populate when someone clicks the link to send an email.
  • Phone, new builder only
    Create a link to a telephone number. Enter your number, using dashes to separate each section. For example: 123-456-7890. Linked numbers may not work on every phone, so test your email before you send.
  • File
    Create a link to share files from your content studio or device so recipients can download them.
  • Survey, new builder only
    Create a link to one of your Mailchimp surveys. Use the Select a Survey drop-down to choose the survey you want to link to.
  • Landing page
    Create a link to one of your Mailchimp landing pages. Use the landing page drop-down to choose the audience and landing page you want to link to.
  • Anchor
    Add anchors to the headings in your email and use the anchor link to create a table of contents or a Read More link.

Use the link tool in the new builder

Add links to text, images, and buttons in the new builder. Here, we’ll show you how to add a web address link to your email, but you’ll follow slightly different steps to link to an email, phone number, file, survey, landing page, or anchor link.

There are two ways to add your link. In Heading and Paragraph blocks, use the editing toolbar. For Button, Logo, and Image blocks, use the block’s side panel. Keep in mind that links to surveys are only available in Heading and Paragraph content blocks.

Add a link to Heading and Paragraph content blocks

To add a web link to your Heading or Paragraph content block, follow these steps.

  1. Highlight existing text or create new text for the link.
  2. Click the link icon in the toolbar. The editor also supports keyboard shortcuts on Macs to add links. If you’re using a Mac, highlight the text you want to link and use CMD+K to open the Text Link pop-up modal.
  3. In the Text Link pop-up modal, Web is selected by default in the drop-down menu. Enter an absolute URL that contains http:// or https://.

    Leave the box checked if you want the link to open in a new tab.
  4. Click Save.

After you send the email, you can see how many contacts clicked the link in your email report.

Add a link to Button, Image, and Logo content blocks

To add a web link to your Button, Image, or Logo content block, follow these steps.

  1. Select the button, image, or logo that you want to work with.
  2. Find the Link to section in the side panel.
  3. Web is selected by default in the drop-down menu. Enter an absolute URL that contains http:// or https://.
  4. Leave the box checked if you want the link to open in a new tab.
  5. The link will save automatically.

Use the link tool in the classic builder

Use the link tool in the classic builder to add a link to the text, images, and captions in your email. Here, we’ll show you how to add a web address link to your email, but you’ll follow slightly different steps to link to an email address, file, landing page, or anchor link.

There are 2 ways to add your link, depending on whether you’re applying the link to text or an image.

Add a link to text

To add a web address link to text in your email, follow these steps.

  1. Click the Text, Boxed Text, Image, Image Card, Image + Text, or Video content block that includes the text you want to work with, or drag and drop a new one into your layout.
  2. Click the edit icon on the content block.
  3. In the Content tab of the editing pane, insert the text you want to link and highlight it.
  4. Click the link icon in the toolbar. The editor also supports keyboard shortcuts on Macs to add links. If you’re using a Mac, highlight the text you want to link and use CMD+K to open the Insert or Edit Link pop-up modal.
  5. In the Insert or Edit Link pop-up modal, Web address is selected by default in the drop-down menu. Enter an absolute URL that contains http:// or https://.
    NO ALT-insert-edit-link-classic
    Click Advanced options to edit optional settings, such as whether to open the file in a new window or to apply a Title attribute or CSS class.
  6. Click Insert.

After you send the email, you can see how many contacts clicked the link in your email report.

Add a link to images

To add a web address link to images in your email, follow these steps.

  1. Click the image block with the image you want to link to or upload an image.
  2. On the image block’s Content tab, click the Link option.
  3. In the Insert or Edit Link pop-up modal, Web address is selected by default in the drop-down menu. Enter an absolute URL that contains http:// or https://.
  4. Click Insert.

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