Error: Verify Target: Invalid xxxxx: Target = xxxxx Primary = xxxxx View = xx xx
by Intuit•1• Updated 7 months ago
You may receive an error message during Verify or Rebuild that says: Warning: A data problem prevents QuickBooks from continuing. When you check the QBWin.log, it contains the message:
Error: Verify Target: Invalid xxxxx: Target = xxxxx Primary = xxxxx View = xx.
This error usually happens when one or more of the following non-posting transactions are damaged:
- Estimate
- Purchase order
- Sales order
To resolve this issue, you can delete or keep the transactions affected.
- You can delete all transactions noted in QBWin.log. Since these are non-posting transactions, deleting them will not affect your financial statements.
- If you want to keep the transactions, you can re-enter them. These non-posting transactions will not be linked to the corresponding posting transactions after deleting and re-creating them. For example:
- An Estimate will not be linked to an Invoice.
- A Purchase Order will not be linked to a Bill
- A Sales Order will not be linked to an Invoice.
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