Connect or Disconnect Yelp for Business
by Intuit• Updated 5 days ago
Use the Yelp for Business app to share trusted Yelp reviews, photos, and business details from your Yelp Business Page. Embed your business information within your marketing emails to show your audience what makes you a success with your customers.
In this article, you’ll learn how to connect and disconnect the Yelp for Business app.
Before you start
Here are some things to know before you begin this process.
- You'll need a Yelp account. If you don’t have one, visit Yelp to create a free account and claim your Yelp Business Page after verifying your association with the business.
- Your Mailchimp account can only be connected to one Yelp Business Page at a time.
- This app works within Mailchimp’s new email builder. For more information about the new builder, check out Design an Email with the New Builder.
How it works
The Yelp for Business app lets you increase engagement and drive connections with customers by featuring Yelp reviews, photos, dishes and location information within a marketing email.
Connect Yelp for Business
Connect the Yelp for Business app to your Mailchimp account through the app detail page, or the Apps content block in the new email builder.
From the app detail page
To connect Yelp from the app detail page, follow these steps.
- Navigate to the Yelp for Business app detail page.
- Click Connect.
- Login & grant access to an existing Yelp account, or Sign up for free if you don’t have a Yelp account.
- Enter your Yelp account email address and password.
- Click Grant Access.
That’s it! Your Yelp Business Page is now connected to Mailchimp. The Yelp for Business app will immediately be available in the new email builder.
From the new email builder
To connect your Yelp for Business app from within the new email builder, follow these steps.
- Within the new email builder, Select the Apps content block. Click and drag it onto your email template.
- In the Select App sidebar, click the plus sign to expand the Yelp for Business option.
- Click Connect.
- Login & grant access to an existing Yelp account, or Sign up for free if you don’t have a Yelp account.
- Enter your Yelp account email address and password.
- Click Grant Access.
- Once connected, you’ll be redirected back to the email editor. The app sidebar will display your Yelp for Business Account username, and a Content drop-down menu that lets you add reviews, location and hours, photos or popular dish information to your marketing email.
That’s it! Now you can add content from your Yelp Business Page into your marketing email and configure how it’s displayed.
App content blocks containing Yelp content will include a View more on Yelp hyperlink that will lead contacts to your Yelp Business Page.
Next steps
Learn more about the content block types available in the new email builder, and about how your content performs in campaign reports.
Disconnect Yelp for Business
When you disconnect the Yelp for Business app, any information you may have added to a marketing email using the app remains until you remove the content block.
To disconnect the Yelp for Business app, follow these steps.
- Navigate to the Yelp for Business app detail page.
- Click Disconnect.
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