
Employees and payroll

Hi simk932667,


Thank you for getting help in the Community. I'll guide you through checking your 941 forms.


If you will or have e-filed your tax form, or we filed for you:


  1. Select Taxes, then Payroll Tax.
  2. Select the Filings tab.
  3. View your current tax forms in the ACTION NEEDED or COMING UP section. Or select Resources, then Archived forms and filings for past forms.
    • If available, select Preview to view forms not yet filed.


If you manually filed your tax form:


  1. Go to Taxes, then Payroll Tax.
  2. Select the Filings tab.
  3. Select Resources, then Archived forms and filings.
  4. Select the  dropdown menu to filter the form type you want to view.
  5. Select the form name, then View.


Feel free to go back to this thread if you have more questions in mind. Take care.