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How to import a PayPal file in .csv format?

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Before importing your PayPal file in the .csv format into QuickBooks, the following two steps must be completed:

NB: the steps described below relate to a personal PayPal account.

Step 1: Download transactions from PayPal

  1. Sign in to your PayPal account.
  2. Select Home in the upper left then enter the start and end period.
  3. Select the small down arrow next to Reports and select Export activity.
  4. On the Activity download page, start to create a report.
  5. Customize the Report type then the Period again and select the Format TAB for tabulation.
  6. Select the blue Create report button.
  7. You will receive your file to be downloaded by email but it is also available on this same page in the Activity reports table.
  8. Select download and retrieve your file in the bottom left of your screen in .txt format.

Step 2: Review your file

  1. Open your file in .txt format.
  2. Select Edit then Select all.
  3. Select Edit again then select Copy.
  4. Open a new Microsoft Excel workbook then paste the data from your .txt format file into it.
  5. Review the data that you want to import into your QuickBooks account.
  6. Save the Excel workbook in .csv format. No additional modification is needed for you to be able to import your file as it is.
  7. Import it into QuickBooks.

Step 3: Import your PayPal file into QuickBooks

  1. Open your QuickBooks account.
  2. Go to Ma compta, select Opérations, then select Opérations bancaires (Accès direct).
  3. Select Upload transactions manually at the bottom of your page if you have not yet added a bank account in QuickBooks.
  4. Otherwise, select the small down arrow next to the Update button and select File upload.
  5. Select the file to be uploaded or select to Browse your hard disk.
  6. Retrieve it and select Next in the bottom right.
  7. On the next page, select +Add to create the account into which you are going to dump your PayPal transactions, preferably, select Banking and not Cash.
  8. If this is not the first time that you are importing your PayPal data, select the account that you have already created and select Next in the bottom right.
  9. We recommend that you check the First row in file is a header row box.
  10. Select the date format that matches your file.
  11. For the Description field, select the matching term from the file.
  12. For the field: Amount, ensure you have the same title in your file.
  • In the original document, i.e. your file in .csv format, the amounts appear in a single column => select 1 Column.
  • In the original document, the amounts are positioned over two columns (Debit-Credit) => select 2 Column.
  1. Une fois de plus, vérifiez bien les opérations avant de cliquer sur Importer en bas à droite. Décochez ensuite les opérations que vous ne souhaitez pas importer dans QuickBooks, puis cliquez sur Suivant. Confirmez sur le message suivant.

Félicitations ! Le fichier bancaire a bien été importé dans QuickBooks..

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