Non-USD Pricing: Prices displayed in local currency are estimated based on current exchange rates from United States Dollars (USD). Exact amount charged in local currency will vary according to the USD exchange rate at the time of payment processing. Prices displayed exclude any applicable taxes and fees, which will be added to the cost of all services purchased. For exact base pricing please refer to prices listed in USD.
50% 24 Month Bulk SMB Offer Terms and Conditions
Eligibility: Starting 15 Apr 2024 and for a limited time, eligible customers will be entitled to a 50% discount for the first 24 months on QuickBooks Online Simple Start, Essentials, and Plus (“QBO”) when they sign up for a minimum of two (2) QBO subscriptions using a single email account. This offer is eligible for new and trial QBO customers only. Excluding customers based in the US, UK, Canada & Australia. Customers must purchase two (2) or more subscriptions. To take advantage of this offer you must call one of the phone numbers below, sign up through the assigned sales account manager, and/or or chat with an expert at: quickbooks.intuit.com/global/.
Pricing: Eligible customers will be entitled to apply 50% off the monthly price for QBO for the first 24 months of the service starting from the date of enrollment, followed by the then-current list price for the service as long as two (2) or more QBO subscriptions are purchased. Sales tax may be applied where applicable. List price subject to change at any time at Intuit’s sole discretion. If you add or remove services, your service fees will be adjusted accordingly.
Term of Offer: All QBO subscriptions must be activated within 180 days. If the subscriptions are not activated within the time period, the price will change to the then-current list price. Offer is non-transferable and non-refundable. The discount is valid only for the QBO customer that registered the QBO subscriptions and cannot be transferred to another client, individual, or company. The promotion requires active subscriptions for the entire duration of the 24 month discount period. This offer can't be combined with any other QuickBooks offers. Offer ends 31 July 2026.
Billing & Cancellation: The QBO account will be automatically charged on a monthly basis. To cancel your subscription at any time go to Account & Settings in QBO and select “Cancel.” Your cancellation will become effective at the end of the monthly billing period. You will not receive a prorated refund; your access and subscription benefits will continue for the remainder of the billing period. Terms, conditions, pricing, special features, and service and support options subject to change without notice.
30% 12 Month Bulk SMB Offer - QBO Advanced Terms and Conditions
Eligibility: Starting 11 Nov 2024 and for a limited time, eligible customers will be entitled to a 30% discount for the first 12 months on QuickBooks Advanced (“QBO Advanced”) when they sign up for a minimum of two (2) QBO Advanced subscriptions using a single email account. This offer is eligible for new and trial QBO Advanced customers only. Excluding customers based in the US, UK, Canada & Australia. Customers must purchase two (2) or more subscriptions. To take advantage of this offer you must call one of the phone numbers below, sign up through the assigned sales account manager, and/or or chat with an expert at: quickbooks.intuit.com/global/.
Pricing: Eligible customers will be entitled to apply 30% off the monthly price for QBO for the first 12 months of the service starting from the date of enrollment, followed by the then-current list price for the service as long as two (2) or more QBO subscriptions are purchased. Sales tax may be applied where applicable. List price subject to change at any time at Intuit’s sole discretion. If you add or remove services, your service fees will be adjusted accordingly.
Term of Offer: All QBO subscriptions must be activated within 180 days. If the subscriptions are not activated within the time period, the price will change to the then-current list price. Offer is non-transferable and non-refundable. The discount is valid only for the QBO customer that registered the QBO subscriptions and cannot be transferred to another client, individual, or company. The promotion requires active subscriptions for the entire duration of the 12 month discount period. This offer can't be combined with any other QuickBooks offers. Offer ends 31 Dec 2025.
Billing & Cancellation: The QBO account will be automatically charged on a monthly basis. To cancel your subscription at any time go to Account & Settings in QBO and select “Cancel.” Your cancellation will become effective at the end of the monthly billing period. You will not receive a prorated refund; your access and subscription benefits will continue for the remainder of the billing period. Terms, conditions, pricing, special features, and service and support options subject to change without notice.
QuickBooks 是一款云软件,可在所有设备上访问。无需下载。只需订阅并联网即可。
我们接受所有大公司发行的信用卡和借记卡 - Visa、MasterCard 和 AMEX。
您可以随时上下滑动,更改 QuickBooks Online 套餐。
您可以订阅很多所需套餐,并且有优惠。请拨打 +65 8001 204 517 联系我们,沟通您的选择。
QuickBooks Online 提供三种版本的月付和年付定价。每个国家/地区的费用不同,可在每个国家/地区的 QuickBooks Online 定价部分查看每个产品的最新定价,报价有效期间的价格可能会有所不同。
如果您是新用户,QuickBooks 提供试用版,可免费试用 30 天。如需注册免费试用 QuickBooks Online,请访问 QuickBooks 网站,创建一个 QuickBooks 账户。下一步,点击“开始免费试用”按钮,添加姓氏、名字、电子邮件地址、手机号以及密码等必填信息。然后,点击“注册”按钮并选择“免费试用”。使用您的电子邮件 ID 以及新生成的密码,用于未来登录。
QuickBooks Online 提供包月套餐,每笔交易的费用相对较低。我们每月将按当月费率自动收取您的月租费,直至您取消订阅。如果您想从包月套餐转为非包月套餐,或从非包月套餐变更为包月套餐,在 12 个连续月内仅可以更改一次。此外,您将被收取附加服务的费用(只有当您选择使用此类服务时才会收取)。
如需了解 QuickBooks Online Plus 的续订价格,请登录您的 QuickBooks Online Plus 账户。点击齿轮图标,然后从“用户资料”选项卡的下拉菜单中选择“订阅与账单”。屏幕会显示订阅状态、账单等详细信息。请点击“续订”按钮,以访问“账单明细”页面,显示 QuickBooks Online Plus 订阅一年后的续订价格。
可以,您可以在试用期间订阅 QuickBooks。但是,试用期结束后,您需要全价订阅。选择齿轮齿轮图标,然点击“用户资料”版块下的“账单与订阅”,选择您是已订阅状态还是试用期状态。如果您在试用结束前未购买许可,您将无法再使用试用期间提供的任何数据。
QuickBooks 快速上手版是 QuickBooks Online 下的 QuickBooks 提供的套餐之一。这个版本的 QBO 最适合单个用户在一个工具中管理其所有收入和支出。QuickBooks 快速上手版可协助您跟踪收入和支出、发送自定义发票和报价,跟踪 VAT 并绑定银行信用卡账户。您可以邀请您的会计师,并为员工提供特定功能访问权限,以实现无缝式协作。
如需升级 QuickBooks 订阅,请登录您的 QuickBooks 账户,并点击齿轮图标。选择“用户资料”选项卡下的“账单与订阅”并选择“升级”。选择您想要的产品并点击“升级”。如有要求,请输入您的付款信息。然后确认升级以及您的新账单。如需降级,请选择“账单与订阅”下的“套餐降级”。如果此选项不可用,请联系 QuickBooks Online 客户服务团队。
QuickBooks 是一款基于云的会计软件,可随时随地在多个设备上访问。无需下载任何软件。只需通过网页浏览器选择 QuickBooks Online 套餐并在线订阅即可。如需订阅,请在 QuickBooks 上创建账户,并获取账户详细信息,以备未来登录。您也可以下载应用程序的移动设备或桌面设备版本,以通过多个设备访问您的账户。
如需订阅 QuickBooks,您需要一张借记卡或信用卡。我方接受的卡包括 Visa、MasterCard、American Express 和 Discover。不接受邮寄支票、预付或礼品卡、未与银行绑定的卡、Paypal 等其他类似付款途径。如果您没有商用信用卡,也可以使用个人信用卡,以后进行报销。
QuickBooks 根据 QuickBooks 订阅套餐提供不同优惠方案。如果您选择立即购买,接下来三个月您可以省下所有 QBO 套餐的 50%。此外,如果您选择包年,那么包月套餐可节省额外 10%。这些价格包括销售与服务税 (SST)。
QBO 提供 QuickBooks Essentials、QuickBooks 快速上手版,以及 QuickBooks Online Plus 套餐的包年费用。如需包年,请登录您的账户,选择“立即订阅”,填写所有信息,选择订阅摘要中的“按年付费”,最后点击“订阅”。自此,我们每年将按当年的费率自动收取您的账户费用,除非您取消订阅。您可以转为包月套餐,但在 12 个连续月内仅可以更改一次。
QuickBooks Online 只能订阅,不能一次性买断。QBO 提供 QuickBooks Essentials、QuickBooks 快速上手版,以及 QuickBooks Online Plus 套餐的包月和包年收费套餐。如需订阅任何套餐,请创建一个 QuickBooks 账户,并在 30 天免费试用期内订阅所需套餐。
QuickBooks Online 在世界各地的许多国家/地区都可以使用。因此,条款和条件、特点、支持、定价和服务选项均因国家/地区而异。折扣、促销优惠、现行费率和更新价格根据您选择的 Quickbooks 套餐类型而有所不同。如需了解最新的 QuickBooks 套餐以及具体国家/地区的定价,您需要访问具体国家/地区页面 quickbooks.intuit.com/choose-country/。
QuickBooks Online 在世界各地的许多国家/地区都可以使用。因此,如需查看最新的 QuickBooks Online 套餐以及 QuickBooks 定价,请访问 QuickBooks 网站。点击“套餐与定价”,查看各种不同的 QuickBooks Online 套餐、其特点、现行价格、优惠信息以及折扣。您甚至可以在特定国家/地区页面上查看 QuickBooks Online 30 天免费试用套餐以及相关条款和条件。
使用 QuickBooks 之前,我对公司的会计事项感到恐惧。现在我可以在几分钟内处理好所有会计事项,然后花时间做我喜欢的事情。
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Intuit, QuickBooks, QB, TurboTax, ProConnect, and Mint are registered trademarks of Intuit Inc. Terms and conditions, features, support, pricing, and service options subject to change without notice.
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