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What to do when your bank no longer supports your bank feed - QuickBooks Online

by Intuit3 Updated 3 days ago

QuickBooks supports bank feed connections with more than 75 financial institutions.

  • Bank Australia
  • Beyond Bank
  • Coles Credit Cards
  • Commonwealth Bank Securities Limited (CommSec)
  • Community First Credit Union Bank
  • Defence Bank
  • Great Southern Bank
  • Heritage Bank
  • Holiday Coast Credit Union
  • HSBC Bank
  • Latitude 28 Degrees Credit Card
  • Macquarie Bank
  • Myer Visa Card
  • People's Choice Credit Union
  • Police Bank
  • Police Credit Union
  • South West Slopes Credit Union
  • St George (Business Banking)
  • Summerland Credit Union
  • The Mutual Bank
  • Victoria Teachers Mutual Bank (AU)
  • Virgin Money

This means your transactions will no longer be automatically imported into QuickBooks.

Move forward with your banking

If you're using QuickBooks Self-Employed, we've got a unique set of instructions for you over here!

You can still have your transactions from these financial institutions imported into QuickBooks by disconnecting your bank account and manually uploading your transactions using a .CSV file.

If you’re no longer using this bank account, you can simply disconnect it to keep your books tidy.

To help ensure you don’t lose any transactions when disconnecting, we recommend you accept any transactions that are still in the For review tab before disconnecting your account.

  1. Go to Transactions, then select Bank transactions (Take me there)
  2. Select the pencil ✎ icon on the bank you wish to disconnect, then select Edit account info.
  3. Tick the box labelled Disconnect this account on the save. Note: If QuickBooks is downloading new transactions, you won't see this option. Wait a few minutes for the update to finish and try again.
  4. Select Save and Close.

For more information, you can find the full article on disconnecting accounts connected to online banking in QuickBooks Online here.

To avoid entering duplicates, you need to know the date of the most recent existing transaction currently in the account:

  1. Go to Transactions and select Chart of accounts (Take me there)
  2. Find the bank or credit card account you want to upload the transactions into.
  3. Select Account history.
  4. Find and write down the date of the most recent transaction.
  1. Sign in to your financial institution’s website.
  2. Follow your financial institution’s instructions for how to download CSV files of your transactions to your computer. Every financial institution has different steps.
  3. Make sure the date range for the download starts after the last transaction.
  4. Download your transactions. 
  5. Save the file somewhere you can easily find it, like your computer's desktop.
Tip: Your bank may offer a few file formats. Pick the .CSV option as this will be the simplest to upload to QuickBooks Online.
  1. Go to Transactions, then select Bank transactions (Take me there)
  2. Select Upload transactions.
  3. Select Drag and drop or select files, then upload the file you downloaded from your bank. Then select Continue.
  4. In the QuickBooks account dropdown, select the account relating to the one you disconnected earlier. Then select Continue.
  5. Follow the onscreen steps to match the columns on the file with the correct fields in QuickBooks. Then select Continue.
  6. Select the transactions you would like to import. Then select Continue.
  7. Select Yes.
  8. When you've accepted your transactions, select Done.

If you see an error message, don't worry. Here's how to fix errors while uploading your transactions.

For more information, read the full article on manually uploading your transactions to QuickBooks Online using a .CSV.

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