How to apply leave adjustments
by Intuit•7• Updated 10 months ago
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Do you need to adjust an employee's leave? There are two common scenarios for this:
- Annual leave was paid but it should have been recorded as sick/personal leave.
- An employee returns to work from leave early but the (whole) leave request has already been paid.
Incorrect leave applied to a previous pay run
To adjust leave in this scenario follow these steps:
Note: you may choose to create an adhoc pay run or simply follow this process during your next scheduled pay run.
- Select Payroll from the left hand menu, then select the New Pay Run button.
- Select the Pay Schedule and any other relevant field, then select Create.
- Select the Employee you wish to make the leave adjustment for to open up their record.
- Select the Actions button and choose Adjust Leave.
- Select the Leave Category you wish to reverse and enter the Hours (as a positive).
- Select the Actions button and choose Adjust Leave.
- Select the Leave Category you wish to correct it to and enter the Hours (as a negative).
- Tick the Apply Earnings Rules or Apply Loading checkboxes if applicable.
- Enter any relevant Notes, then select Save.
- Once the pay run is complete select Finalise Pay Run.
- Depending on the leave category settings and if the Apply Earnings Rules is ticked a line will be created on the employee’s earnings to indicate that the leave has been adjusted.
- Ticking the Apply x% loading box will also add an earnings line to pay the loading if leave is being taken (a negative adjustment) but will reverse/deduct the x% loading if leave is being added/replaced (a positive adjustment)
An employee return to work early and leave has already been paid
To adjust an employee’s leave follow the steps outlined below:
Note: you may choose to create an adhoc pay run or simply follow this process during your next scheduled pay run.
- Select Payroll from the left hand menu, then select the New Pay Run button.
- Select the Pay Schedule and any other relevant field, then select Create.
- Select the Employee you wish to make the leave adjustment for to open up their record.
- Select the Action button and choose Adjust Leave.
- Select the Leave Category you wish to increase and enter the Hours (as a positive).
- Tick the Apply Earnings Rules or Apply Loading checkboxes if applicable.
- Enter any relevant Notes, then select Save.
- Once the pay run is complete select Finalise Pay Run.
Note: Be mindful about applying earnings rules, ie. only apply them if the employee would not normally have been paid for that time or if leave loading was paid.
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Content sourced from Employment Hero
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