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Level 1

FX filing Error

Cannot solve this error

I have reviewed Common FX errors and everything is filled out

* Attach file
Error: We are unable to process your submission because the transmitter CRA account number given in the attached T619 electronic transmittal record does not match the account number you used to sign in.

We are unable to process because the transmitter CRA account does not match the account number used to sign in.

I have done this for the past ten years.  My CRA account is used with my Webcode to file slips for multiple clients.  Each client transmitted separately.   Not working this year.   Please suggest a fix



27 Comments 27
Mario B
ProFile Team

FX filing Error

So you are EFILING from the portal from Profile right?


If you are not usign RpID, do not enter it. Enter the 15 digits BN in EFILE options. on the Protal manually enter the same BN 15 digits, associated with your WAC


If you are using the RepID, no need to enter the BN in EFILE options

Level 3

FX filing Error

Just now tried this and it did not work. Signing into RAC and attempting to upload using xml internet file transfer. Here is an excerpt of the file schema with repid replaced here with *s:


And here is the error message from CRA:

* Attach file
Error: We are unable to process your submission because the representative ID given in the attached T619 electronic transmittal record does not match the representative ID you used to sign in.
Level 3

FX filing Error

Manually added the repid line as recommended in the work around in article: 2024 FX EFILE - troubleshooting tips

This helped me pass through the repid error checking and onto uploading the file. But the file still failed, maybe because its 2023 T4s that I'm trying to file, idk yet: 

rejected for one or more of the following reasons:

Submission rejected on:2025-01-31 1:51:27 pm EST
Level 2

FX filing Error

Just got off the phone with Profile support. With the recent Profile software update, they have implemented a new verification process wherein the Transmitter Number should be the client's business number + RP/RC/RZ code (ex: 999999999RP0001). This is not a very efficient way to do it and Profile must release another update where the software should be able to automatically pickup the business number of the client from their file.

Mario B
ProFile Team

FX filing Error

Hey Mike, can you try putting both the RepID and he 15 digits BN in EFILE Options Transmitter in Profile and then create the XML

Level 2

FX filing Error

Hi @Mario B , yes that works but if we're gonna do this for thousands of our clients then it is very inefficient. The program should be able to pickup the business number from the file that we are generating the XML for and the RepID from the EFILE options Transmitter.

Mario B
ProFile Team

FX filing Error

Hi jlm,  if you mean when you login to the CRA website with the WAC and business number  when transmitting from Profile , unfortunately, this is a CRA requirement, and this can not be changed. users have to type the infos manually each transmision.

Level 2

FX filing Error

Hi @Mario B , we understand that it is a requirement from CRA. Our point is regarding how Profile is handling that requirement. We also transmit using the XML generated from EasyPay but they are able to automatically pickup the business number of the corresponding client that we are working on. However, for Profile, we must enter it manually every time for each client.

Mario B
ProFile Team

FX filing Error

 Also, @JLM  in the future the designers  plan to add a cut and paste feature so that its possible to cut and paste more easily but I do not know when this will be implemented.

Level 3

FX filing Error

I was able to successfully transmit and receive NOA for my client 2023 T4 file by stripping out the BN line. With that line in, CRA initial error checking in Rep A Client wouldn’t allow the file to upload.

Note, this BN line also prevented a colleague from uploading a 2025 T5 file today through RAC.

Level 3

FX filing Error

Oops I meant 2024 T5.

Mario B
ProFile Team

FX filing Error

so @Mike  if I get it right, you removed these 3 lines from the XML and you were able to File from the website below with Represent a client?



Level 1

FX filing Error

@Mario B   I cannot efile a 2023 amended T5.  I have tried every which way possible.  What is the fix to file 2023 T5's

Mario B
ProFile Team

FX filing Error

@cindy Amending the slips is similar than in the past, you mark them as Amended in the slips themselves  and when you create the XML,  you select amended.   I do not have enough information  on what erorr you have, I recommend that you call our suport helpline 1-800-452-9970

Mario B
ProFile Team

FX filing Error

@cindy  Sorry I missed the 2023, For  2023 tax year and priors years slips , you can not EFILE from profile,  due to changes to CRA's slips filing this year. For years prior to 2024, you need to use CRA's Filing web forms, atthis link...

Level 1

FX filing Error

@Mario B thank you for your response.  This did not work.  I have tried every which way possible.  I am trying to file them with the link you sent.  I am trying to file a clients amended T5.  After I create the XML file with our account number in the Transmitter info it rejects the upload because the account number does not match.  Reading on the link you sent under "Filing with Internet File transfer" Steps02 = Have your account number and Web access code (WAC) associated to this number.  We are an accounting firm that files tons of T5's and T4's.  We do NOT have any of their web access codes.  How to I get this 2023 amended T5 slip get filed?  This has been an extremely difficult, time consuming task.

Mario B
ProFile Team

FX filing Error

You do not  need the WAC of your clients @cindy .    You need to request a WAC and use your 15 digits business number associated with your WAC

Level 1

FX filing Error

@Mario B  I did sign in with our business number and WAC,  I have the same numbers in Profile as well when exporting the XML. 

Mario B
ProFile Team

FX filing Error

@cindy as I said, you need to build the 2023 XML from this website, not from Profile  



Level 3

FX filing Error

Mario I deleted only the line with the bn9 and business number and /bn9. I left the transmitteraccountnumber and /trandmitteraccountnumber


Returning Member

FX filing Error

Solution to:

"Error: We are unable to process your submission because the transmitter CRA account number given in the attached T619 electronic transmittal record does not match the account number you used to sign in."


If filing Client T4s through Represent a Client:

1. go into EFILE / Options / T3/FX / Transmitter, and

2. change Business Number to your Client's CRA Business Number ending in RP000X.


This is prepopulated with your own Business Number and must be changed to your Client's Business Number (in this case, their Payroll number).



Level 2

FX filing Error

Has anyone been able to file T4a?

Returning Member

FX filing Error

I am getting this error message for T5s:  Haven't tried T4A yet.

"Filer account number is missing or invalid for this type of return."


Haven't tried T4A yet.  What error message do you receive?



Level 2

FX filing Error

Same for T4a. But have updated the BN to payroll account and WAC associated.  Still no success.


T5 and T4s are going through OK, after I updated transmitter number and corresponding WAC each time...