View an employee's full Social Insurance number in QuickBooks Online Payroll
by Intuit•4• Updated 1 year ago
You may notice that only the last four digits of an employee's Social Insurance number is visible in the TD1 form in employee setup. The Social Insurance number is hidden for security reasons, but if you need to retrieve it, you can find it on a Record of Employment form by following these steps.
Retrieve a Social Insurance number
You can find the full number on a Record of Employment form:
- Go to Payroll and select Employees (Take me there).
- Select the employee whose SIN you want to view.
- Select the edit pencil icon next to Employment to edit the employee.
- In the Status drop-down menu, change the status to Terminated. This will be temporary.
- Select any Reason for status change, enter the hire date and today’s date for the termination date.
- Select Done.
- Select Yes when prompted to create the employee’s Record of Employment.
- Select View and look to box 8 on the right to find the SIN.
Switch the employee's status back to active
After recording the SIN, you will need to switch the employee's status back to active:
- From the Employees (Take me there) tab, change the Active employees drop down to All employees.
- Select the employee you'd like to reactivate.
- Select the edit pencil icon next to Employment to edit the employee.
- In the Status drop-down menu, change the status to Active.
- Select Done.
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