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Use Email Beamer to Create an Email

by Intuit1 Updated 3 weeks ago

When you create a Mailchimp account, we create an audience for you and assign a unique email address to it. The Email Beamer feature allows you to send an email to this address to convert the text and images in the message into a draft email in your Mailchimp account.

In this article, you'll learn how to set up and send an email to Mailchimp using the Email Beamer option.

Email Beamer address

When you use Email Beamer, you send your email content to the unique email address for the Mailchimp audience you want to send to. To beam content into Mailchimp, you must send it from a verified email domain.

To locate your audience's Email Beamer address, follow these steps.

  1. Click Audience, then click All contacts.
  2. If you have more than one audience, click the Audience drop-down and choose the one you want to work with.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. In the Email settings section, we’ll display the Email Beamer address you’ll use.
  5. Click the copy icon to copy the email address to your clipboard.

Create and beam your content

Create the email in your favorite email client, such as Outlook, Gmail, or Apple Mail. Make sure that all images and content are added directly to the email and not added as attachments. Once your design is complete, follow these steps.

  1. Send the email to the audience-specific Email Beamer address. The subject line of this email will be used as the subject line for your draft email.
  2. You'll receive a confirmation email from Mailchimp Account Services that your email has been received and a draft has been created in your account.
  3. To send your content as-is, reply to the confirmation email with the word Send, and we'll send it to your audience.

To make changes to the draft, click the link in the confirmation email. You can also sign in to your Mailchimp account and open the email from the All Campaigns page. Make any changes you want to your email settings or design, and then send or schedule your email.

Additional tips

From Name and Address

The email address that you beam from is used as the From email address. The From name will be the name associated with that email account. These can be changed in the To and From sections of the email builder.

Footer information

We automatically add our default footer to your email to ensure that you have an unsubscribe link and the Referral badge.

For security

To avoid sending accidental emails, and to keep the email address safe from spam bots, keep your audience-specific email address as secret as possible. Don't post it on the web or share it with too many people.

Content created in Word

Microsoft Word often adds junk code that can create formatting issues. It's best to avoid pasting content from Word. We suggest that you create the email in your email program before you beam it to Mailchimp.

Emails sent to Mailchimp via the Email Beamer can be edited prior to sending, but it's not possible to save them as templates for future emails.

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