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Change Your Account Billing Settings

by Intuit Updated 2 weeks ago

All new Mailchimp accounts start on the Free plan, so we don't ask for payment information right away. Paid plans are based on feature access and total contact count, and payments are made upfront. No matter what type of plan you choose, you don't need a contract.

In this article, you'll learn how to access and edit your billing information.

Accepted methods of payment

We accept PayPal, all major credit and debit cards, SEPA Direct Debit, and iDEAL. Discover and American Express cards aren't supported by all currencies.

We accept Visa, American Express, Master Card, and Discover

Mailchimp uses a secure and well-established credit card payment gateway service to process your payment. Review our credit card troubleshooting guide if you have a problem.

Change or update your payment method

You always have the option to change your payment method. Depending on the currency you use, you may want to connect a PayPal or direct debit account.

To change your credit card information, follow these steps.

  1. Click your profile icon and choose Account & billing.

  2. Click the Billing drop-down and choose Billing information.

  3. In the Payment Method section, click Change Payment Method.
  4. In the Payment Information pop-up modal, scroll down and click Change.
  5. In the Credit Card Details modal, enter your card number and expiration date.
  6. Click Save.

Connect a PayPal account

The Payment Information pop-up modal defaults to the credit card option, but you can choose to pay with the preferred payment method in your PayPal account. All PayPal transactions are processed in US Dollars, but currency conversion fees won't apply.

To connect your PayPal account, follow these steps.

  1. In the Payment Information pop-up modal, click PayPal.
  2. Click Save, then log in to your PayPal account when prompted. If you don't see the pop-up window, check your browser's pop-up blocker settings.
  3. In the PayPal pop-up modal, click Agree.

Connect direct debit

Users in Belgium, Austria, or Germany can choose to pay with SEPA Direct Debit while users in the Netherlands can pay with SEPA Direct Debit or iDEAL. These transactions are processed in EUR.

To connect direct debit or change the direct debit payment method connected to your Mailchimp account, you’ll need to complete a purchase.

To connect your account, follow these steps.

  1. Click your profile icon and choose Account & billing.
  2. Click the Billing drop-down and choose Monthly plans or credits.
  3. Select the plan or add-on you'd like to purchase or upgrade.
  4. Click the payment method you want to use.
  5. Enter your bank and account information and click Continue.
  6. Review your information, and click Pay now. After the purchase is complete, your payment method will update.

For more information on how to complete an upgrade or purchase, check out these guides:

Change or Pause Your Marketing Plan
Change or Pause Your Legacy Plan
Change Your Websites Plan

If you want to pay for Facebook and Instagram ads with direct debit, you must have direct debit already connected prior to purchasing ad credits.

Change your billing currency

In most cases, you can choose your billing currency. If you pay in a currency other than US dollar (USD), we'll convert payment amounts based on current exchange rates. Learn more about pricing for international, non-US, and other currencies.

To change your billing currency, follow these steps.

  1. Click your profile icon and choose Account & billing.

  2. Click the Billing drop-down and choose Billing information.

  3. In the Payment Method section, click Change Payment Method.
  4. In the Payment Information modal, click the Currency drop-down and choose a billing currency.
  5. In the Credit Card Details modal, re-enter your card number and expiration date.
  6. Click Save.

If your billing address is in Australia, Canada, the European Union, or the United Kingdom, you’ll be billed in your local currency and won’t be able to change to a different currency.

Remove payment method

You can remove your payment method if you first pause or stop any plans with automatic payments. View and manage your plans on the Monthly plans or credits page in your account.

To remove your payment method, follow these steps.

  1. Click your profile icon and choose Account & billing.
  2. Click the Billing drop-down and choose Billing information.
  3. In the Payment Method section, click Remove.
    pymt method remove
  4. In the Remove Payment Method pop-up modal, click Remove.

View billing statements

Receipts are available in the Billing history section of your account. We also email a transaction receipt to your account’s billing contact after any order is processed. We don’t support purchase orders or offer invoices for paid plans.

If you need a copy of a receipt, W-9, or a Tax Residency form, you can view and print these documents from your account.

  1. Click your profile icon and choose Account & billing.

  2. Click the Billing drop-down and choose Billing history.

  3. Click the order number of the transaction you want to work with, or click View.
  4. Click Print to open a printer-friendly version of the receipt, or click the drop-down menu and choose Email Receipt.
    Cursor hovers over the Email Receipt option in the Print drop-down menu.

Each transaction also contains links to our W-9 form and United States Residency Certificate. To view a printable PDF of the form you need, click Looking for our W-9? or Looking for our United States Residency Certificate?

Change or update billing contact information

We use your billing contact information for all billing correspondence. You can edit this information at any time, and you can include optional details like a Tax ID.

To edit the billing contact information for your account, follow these steps.

  1. Click your profile icon and choose Account & billing.
  2. Click the Billing drop-down and choose Billing information.
  3. Click Edit billing contact info.
    Cursor clicks Edit contact info.
  4. In the Billing Information pop-up modal, edit your information. Check the Same as contact information box to use the information from the primary account contact.
  5. Click Save.

Update notification settings

You can edit the billing notifications you receive at any time under the Notifications heading on the Billing information page.

  • Email address
    Click Edit to update the email address that receives billing notifications for your account.
  • Label receipts as invoices
    Choose this option to label your receipt header as "Invoice" for legal or accounting reasons. This option will only change how receipts are titled, and will not affect billing dates for monthly charges or Pay As You Go credit block purchases.
  • Send bill estimates
    Check the box next to Bill Estimates to receive an estimate of your upcoming charge.
  • Send Pay As You Go alerts
    If you're a Pay As You Go user, check the box next to Send Pay As You Go alerts and enter the minimum number of credits allowed in your account. When your credits fall below that number, we'll send you an email alert with a link to buy more credits. You can also choose to be billed automatically at that time.

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