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Change Your Account Billing Settings

by Intuit26 Updated 4 weeks ago

It’s important to keep your account billing information up-to-date to ensure your payments are processed and paid plans stay active. Your billing information also determines your payment options and tax charges.

In this article, you’ll learn how to access and change your billing information.

View your billing information

If you’re an account Owner or Admin, you’ll be able to view and update billing information. If you don’t see billing information, an Owner or Admin of your account can change your user level.

To view the billing information in your account, click your profile icon and choose Account & billing. Then, click the Billing drop-down and choose Billing information. On this page, you’ll add or update your payment method, contact information, and Tax ID. You’ll also find Mailchimp’s tax documents and your billing notification settings.

Accepted payment methods

Mailchimp accepts all major credit and debit cards, PayPal, SEPA Direct Debit, and iDEAL.

The billing address and currency you select will determine your payment options, so all of the payment methods might not be available on your billing information page. For example, Discover and American Express cards don’t support all currencies. Also, direct debit is only available to certain countries and is connected only when purchasing a Mailchimp plan or add-on.

For more help with payments, check out Troubleshooting Billing.

Change or update your payment method

Keep your payment method updated to ensure that automatic payments process and your account stays active. The billing address and currency you select will determine your payment options.

Update your credit or debit card

To update your credit card information, follow these steps.

  1. Click your profile icon and choose Account & billing.

  2. Click the Billing drop-down menu and choose Billing information.

  3. In the Payment section, click Change.
  4. Select Card.
  5. Enter your credit or debit card information. If available, this is also where you’ll change your billing currency.
  6. Click Save.

Connect your PayPal account

All PayPal transactions are processed in US dollars, but currency conversion fees won't apply.

To connect a PayPal account, follow these steps.

  1. Click your profile icon and choose Account & billing.

  2. Click the Billing drop-down menu and choose Billing information.

  3. In the Payment section, click Change.
  4. Select PayPal.
  5. Click the PayPal logo button.
  6. You’ll be directed to PayPal’s website to log in and complete the payment setup process.

Select your preferred payment method for PayPal during setup and make changes within your PayPal account.

Connect direct debit

If your billing address is in Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, or Spain you can choose to pay with SEPA Direct Debit. If your billing address is in the Netherlands you can also choose to pay with iDEAL. These transactions are processed in EUR.

Direct debit setup is only available when you purchase a Mailchimp plan or add-on. After you’ve connected direct debit, the Billing information page will show it as your active payment method, but you won’t be able to make changes from this page.

To connect direct debit, follow these steps.

  1. Click your profile icon and choose Account & billing.
  2. Click the Billing drop-down and choose Monthly plans or credits.
  3. Select the plan or add-on you'd like to purchase.
  4. Click the payment method you want to use.
  5. Enter your bank and account information.
  6. Review your purchase information and click Pay now. After the purchase is complete, your payment method will update.

Remove your payment method

To remove your payment method, you must first pause or stop any plans with automatic payments. View and manage your plans on the Monthly plans or credits page in your account.

To remove your payment method, follow these steps.

  1. Click your profile icon and choose Account & billing.

  2. Click the Billing drop-down menu and choose Billing information.

  3. In the Payment section, click Remove.
    NO ALT - remove payment
    *Note: If you don’t see Remove, pause or stop any plans with automatic payments. View and manage your plans on the Monthly plans or credits page in your account.
  4. In the Remove Payment Method pop-up modal, click Remove.

Change your billing currency

When you pay with a credit or debit card, you can usually choose your billing currency. Your billing address or payment method may change your currency options. If you pay in a currency other than US dollar (USD), we'll convert payment amounts based on current exchange rates. Learn more about pricing for international, non-US, and other currencies.

To change your billing currency, follow these steps.

  1. Click your profile icon and choose Account & billing.

  2. Click the Billing drop-down menu and choose Billing information.

  3. In the Payment section, click Change. Be sure the Card option is selected.
  4. Click the currency drop-down and choose a billing currency.
  5. Re-enter your credit or debit card information.
  6. Click Save.

If your billing address is in Australia, Canada, the European Union, or the United Kingdom, you’ll be billed in your local currency and won’t be able to change to a different currency.

Change your billing contact information

In many cases, your billing contact information and your primary contact information will be the same. However, there are some circumstances where it might be helpful for them to be different.

Here are some things to know about how your billing contact information affects your account.

  • Your billing contact information appears on your receipts.
  • Your billing contact address can influence your payment or billing currency options, but doesn’t influence tax charges.
  • The billing contact email address only receives payment receipts, but otherwise can’t be used to access your account. This is helpful if you want to send receipts directly to someone else in your organization, like an accountant.

To update your billing contact information, follow these steps.

  1. Click your profile icon and choose Account & billing.

  2. Click the Billing drop-down menu and choose Billing information.

  3. In the Billing & payment section, click Edit.
  4. Enter your billing contact information.
  5. Click Save.

Update and view tax information

Your primary contact address determines tax charges for your purchases. Your Tax ID is also part of your primary account contact information.

To update your primary account contact information from the billing information page, follow these steps.

  1. Click your profile icon and choose Account & billing.

  2. Click the Billing drop-down menu and choose Billing information.

  3. In the Primary account contact section, click Edit.
  4. Enter your primary account contact information.
  5. If applicable, this is also where you’ll Add or Edit Your Tax ID Number.
  6. Click Save.

View Mailchimp’s latest tax documents in the Tax information section on the Billing information page. To learn more about our tax collection process, check out About Taxes and Mailchimp.

Change your billing notification settings

Change your billing notification settings in the Notifications section on the Billing information page. Receipts and billing notifications are sent to the billing contact email address.

  • Label receipts as invoices
    Choose this option to label your receipt header as "Invoice" for legal or accounting reasons. This option will only change how receipts are titled, everything else will remain the same.
  • Send bill estimates
    Check the box for Bill estimates to receive an estimate of your upcoming charge.

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