Create sales receipts in QuickBooks Desktop for Mac
by Intuit•1• Updated 2 years ago
Learn how to create a sales receipt in QuickBooks Desktop for Mac.
Use a sales receipt if you receive full payment at the time of a sale. Sales receipts include payments by cash, check, or credit card. You can also use a sales receipt to summarize your daily sales in one transaction.
Create your sales receipts
- Go to Customers, then select Enter Sales Receipts.
- From the Customer: Job ▼ dropdown, select a customer or job. If the customer isn’t on the list yet, select Add New.
- Fill in the relevant information at the top of the form like the Date and Sale No.
- Choose the payment method.
- Select the item(s) included in the sale. When you select or add an item, the description and amount automatically populate the sales receipt form. You can change this anytime in the sales receipt.
Note: You can edit your sales receipts by choosing the sales receipt you want to edit from the left panel.
Use sales receipts to track daily sales summary
If you don’t need to track sales by customer, you can still use sales receipts to record your daily sales summaries.
Step 1: Create a sales summary template
- Go to Customers, then select Enter Sales Receipts.
- Fill in the form as follows:
- Leave the Customer:Job field blank.
- If you track sales by payment method, enter a method (cash, check, etc.) in the Pay Method field.
- In the detail area, enter all the items you normally sell on a given day, week, or month.
- Leave the Quantity column blank since you'll be filling it in at the end of the specified period.
- Go to Edit, then Memorize Sales Receipt.
- Enter a descriptive name for the template (for example, “Daily Sales Summary”).
- Select OK to add the template to your Memorized Transaction list.
- If you track sales by payment method, select a different payment method and memorize the template again. Repeat this step until you’ve covered all the payment methods.
- Select Cancel to close the Enter Sales Receipts window. Don’t record the transaction.
Step 2: Use your template to create sales summaries
- Go to Lists, then select Memorized Transactions.
- Select the sales summary template you need, and then double-click on it.
- Complete the sales summary:
- In the Quantity column, enter the number you sold of each item.
- For items you didn't sell, select the line item then select Edit then Delete Line.
- In the Memo field, enter the dates for the period you are summarizing.
Note: When the price of an item changes, create a new sales summary template that reflects the new price. Memorize the new template and save it under the name you chose for the original template. QuickBooks will then replace the original template with the new one. |
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