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Save and Use an Email Template

by Intuit11 Updated 3 weeks ago

When you design a regular email that you’d like to reuse, you can save it as a template. Save as many templates as you’d like for your future marketing needs.

In this article, you'll learn how to save and use an email template, and how to organize them using folders.

Before you start

Here are some things to know before you begin this process.

  • This article tells you how to use both our new builder and classic builder. To switch builders, check out Switch Your Default Email Builder.
  • When you save an email design as a template from the new builder, it can only be used in the new builder. One-column emails designed in the classic builder can also be used in the new builder.
  • If you'd like to create a template from scratch, check out our guide on how to Create a Template.

Save your email as a template in the new builder

To save a draft email design as a template in the new builder, follow these steps.

  1. Click Campaigns, then click All campaigns.
  2. If you have more than one audience, click the Audience drop-down and choose the one you want to work with.
  3. Click the draft email you want to work with. To create a template from a sent email, replicate it and continue.
  4. In the Content section of the email builder, click Edit Design or Resolve.
  5. Click the Save and exit drop-down, then click Save as a template.
  6. In the pop-up modal, enter a name for your new template and click Save.
  7. Click Return to Campaign to continue working.

Great job! Your new template will appear on the Templates page. You can also access it under Saved Templates when you create a new email.

Save your email as a template in the classic builder

To save a draft email design as a template in the classic builder, follow these steps.

  1. Click Campaigns, then click All campaigns.
  2. If you have more than one audience, click the Audience drop-down and choose the one you want to work with.
  3. Click the draft email you want to work with. To create a template from a sent email, replicate it and continue.
  4. In the Content section of the email builder, click Edit Design or Resolve.
  5. Click the Template drop-down and choose Save this design as a template.
  6. In the pop-up modal, enter a name for your template and click Save.

Your new template will appear on the Templates page. You can also access it under Saved templates when you create a new email.

Create a new email with your template

After you save your template, you can use it to create a new email.

From the email builder

To use a saved template when creating a new email with the new or classic builder, follow these steps.

  1. In the Content section of the email builder, click Design Email.
  2. On the Select a template page, click the Saved Templates tab.
  3. If you’re using the new builder, hover over the template you want and Apply. If you’re using the classic builder, click the template you want to use.

From the Email templates page

You can also choose a saved template from the Email templates page. Depending on which builder the email was originally designed in, you’ll create the email in the new builder or classic builder.

To choose a saved template from the Email templates page, follow these steps.

  1. In the Content section of the Mailchimp dashboard, click Email templates.
  2. Click the drop-down next to the template you want to use, and choose Create email. This will take you to the email builder with your chosen template.
  3. In the Content section of the email checklist, click Edit Design or Resolve to make any necessary changes.

That's it! Now you can use your saved template to speed up your process and reach your audience.

Edit your template

To edit your template, follow these steps.

  1. In the Content section of the Mailchimp dashboard, click Email templates.
  2. On the template you want to work with, click Edit.

    If your template was built with the classic builder, you’ll see a pop-up modal explaining that template edits won’t be applied to draft or scheduled emails. Click I Understand, Continue to proceed.
  3. Edit your template.
  4. Optional: To rename your template in the new builder, click the pencil icon, rename your template, then click Save.

    To rename your template in the classic builder, click Rename, rename your template, then click Rename.
  5. When you’re ready, click Save Template and Exit in the new builder, or click Save and Exit in the classic builder.

Preview your template

To preview your template, follow these steps.

  1. In the Content section of the Mailchimp dashboard, click Email templates.
  2. On the template you want to work with, click the drop-down next to Edit and click Preview.
  3. Click Desktop or Mobile to see how your finished email design will look on these devices.
  4. Click X to close the preview mode.

Organize templates with folders

Use folders to organize your templates. Whether you've already used a template or you’re working on a draft, you can move it in and out of the folders you've created.

Create a template folder

To create a template folder, follow these steps.

  1. On the Templates page, click the Folder drop-down, then click Add Folder.
  2. Enter a name for your folder, then click the checkmark to add it.

Move templates into a folder

To move your templates into a folder, follow these steps.

  1. On the Templates page, click the box next to the templates you want to move into a single folder.
  2. Click the Move To drop-down, then click the folder name for your templates.

Edit a folder name

To edit your folder name, follow these steps.

On the Templates page, click the Folder drop-down, then click Edit Folders.

  1. Click the pencil icon next to the folder you want to edit.
  2. Make your edits to the folder name, then click the checkmark to save.

Delete a folder

To delete a folder, follow these steps.

  1. On the Templates page, click the Folder drop-down, then click Edit Folders.
  2. Click the trash icon to delete the folder.
  3. Click Done, or click away from the drop-down.

Test your template

Contact-specific merge tags and dynamic content won't be activated in test emails. We recommend that you first create an email from your template and preview the email with the Enable live merge tag info slider toggled on. You can also send a live email to a small test segment of your audience.

Test your template in the new builder

To send a test email with your template in the new builder, follow these steps.

  1. In the Content section of the Mailchimp dashboard, click Email templates.
  2. On the template you want to work with, click Edit.
  3. Click Send test.
  4. Enter at least one email address in the Send a test to field.
  5. Click Send Test.

Test your template in the classic builder

To send a test email with your template in the classic builder, follow these steps.

  1. In the Content section of the Mailchimp dashboard, click Email templates.
  2. On the template you want to work with, click Edit.
  3. Click the Preview and Test drop-down, then click Send a test email.
  4. Enter at least one email address in the Send a test to field.

    Optional: Click Also send to the following account users and checkmark additional users to send them a test email.
  5. Click Send Test.

Next steps

After you’ve created your template, you can quickly share your template with other Mailchimp account holders without having to export or import the template's HTML code.

You may wish to replicate a template to create a new template with the same layout and content. This way, you can test new designs and keep the original copy.

You have the option to export your template HTML. Use the export file to edit the HTML code of the template, or upload the template to a different Mailchimp account.

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