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The QuickBooks Online bank connection status page

by Intuit18 Updated 3 days ago

This page has all the info about which Banks and Financial Institutions can connect with QuickBooks Online, the current status of their connection, and any updates on any issues we're on top of.

Before you start

If your bank isn't listed, QuickBooks can still help through manual uploads. You can also request bank support from your QuickBooks Online account.

Select the folllowing headings to get the information you need.

A quick note on status:

  • Green: All connections work well for this financial institution
  • Yellow: Some connections for this financial institution may have an issue.
  • Red: All connections associated with this financial institution are experiencing an issue/outage. Review all open bank connection issues at the end of this page for more information.
CategorisationFinancial InstitutionSupported Connection TypesAccount TypeStatus
AAirwallexDirect FeedsAll account types, including foreign currency accountsGreen
American ExpressDirect FeedsCredit cards (excluding foreign currency accounts)Green
Standard FeedsAll account types including foreign currency accountsGreen
AMPStandard FeedsAll account typesGreen
Aussie Home LoansStandard FeedsAll account typesGreen
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ)Direct FeedsPersonal and Business banking accounts (excluding foreign currency accounts)Green
Standard FeedsAll account types, including credit cards and foreign currency accountsGreen
BBananacoast Credit Union (BCU)Standard FeedsAll account typesGreen
Bank of MelbourneDirect FeedsPersonal and Business banking accounts (excluding foreign currency accounts)Green
Standard FeedsAll account types, including credit cards and foreign currency accountsYellow
Bank of QueenslandDirect FeedsPersonal and Business banking accounts (excluding foreign currency accounts)Green
Standard FeedsAll account types, including credit cards and foreign currency accountsRed
Bank of SydneyStandard FeedsAll account typesGreen
BankSADirect FeedsPersonal and Business banking accounts (excluding foreign currency accounts)Green
Standard FeedsAll account types, including credit cards and foreign currency accountsYellow
Bankfirst (formerly Victoria Teacher's Mutual Bank)Standard FeedsAll account typesGreen
BankwestStandard FeedsAll account typesGreen
Baptist Financial ServicesStandard FeedsAll account typesGreen
Bendigo BankDirect FeedsPersonal and Business banking accounts, credit card and loan accounts (excluding foreign currency accounts)Green
Standard FeedsAll account types, including foreign currency accountsGreen
CCommonwealth Bank - Business Banking (Commbiz)Direct FeedsPersonal and Business banking accounts (including standard CBA foreign accounts with a BSB and account number)Green
Standard FeedsAll account types, including credit cardsGreen
Commonwealth Bank of Australia Personal Banking (NetBank)Direct FeedsPersonal and Business banking accounts (including standard CBA foreign accounts with a BSB and account number)Green
Standard FeedsAll account types, including credit cardsGreen
Credit Union SAStandard FeedsAll account typesGreen
EE*TRADEStandard FeedsAll account typesGreen
GGreater Building SocietyStandard FeedsAll account typesGreen
HHume BankStandard FeedsAll account typesGreen
Illlawarra Credit UnionStandard FeedsAll account typesGreen
IMB Building SocietyStandard FeedsAll account typesGreen
ING DirectStandard FeedsAll account typesGreen
MMacquarie BankDirect FeedsPersonal and Business banking accounts (excluding foreign currency accounts, and accounts with account numbers starting with '00'.)Green
ME BankStandard FeedsAll account typesGreen
NNational Australia Bank (NAB)Direct FeedsPersonal and Business banking accounts (excluding foreign currency accounts)Green
Standard FeedsAll account types, including credit cards and foreign currency accountsGreen
PPayPalConnect to 'Connect to PayPal' appAll account typesGreen
QQueensland Country Credit UnionStandard FeedsAll account typesGreen
RRabobankStandard FeedsAll account typesGreen
Rural BankStandard FeedsAll account typesGreen
SSouthern Cross Credit UnionStandard FeedsAll account typesGreen
SquareConnect to 'Connect to Square' appAll account typesGreen
St. George BankDirect FeedsBusiness savings and checking accounts (excluding foreign currency accounts)Green
Standard FeedsAll account types, including credit cards and foreign currency accountsRed
Suncorp BankStandard FeedsAll account typesGreen
TTeacher's Credit Union/Teacher's Mutual BankStandard FeedsAll account typesGreen
UUBankStandard FeedsAll account typesGreen
WBankWAWStandard FeedsAll account typesGreen
Westpac BankDirect FeedsPersonal and Business banking accounts (excluding foreign currency accounts)Green
Standard FeedsAll account types, including credit cards and foreign currency accountsGreen

Select any of the following issues to get more information:

We've become aware of an issue some of our customers are experiencing when trying to connect their AMP bank accounts to QuickBooks Online.

Our banking team is aware of this problem and is actively working with AMP to resolve it as quickly as possible.

We've become aware of an issue some of our customers are experiencing when trying to connect their Bank of Queensland bank accounts to QuickBooks Online.

Our banking team is aware of this problem and is actively working with Bank of Queensland to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.

We've become aware of an issue some of our customers are experiencing when trying to connect their PayPal bank accounts to QuickBooks Online. Despite entering the correct One Time Passcode (OTP), an error labelled 185/187 is blocking the successful connection.

The connection has been restored. However, there are some issue with how the data is displaying. This is currently being worked on.

Note: in order to download transactions, Customers will now need to enter the One-Time Passcode every time a connection is required with PayPal to download transactions.

St George standard bank feed connections are no longer supported by QuickBooks Online. This means that you will no longer receive bank transactions directly into your QuickBooks file.

If this change impacts you, you will have received an email from us with information on next steps. Otherwise, you can read through our guide on recovering from your standard feed outage.
We’ve received confirmation from Westpac Group that they’re blocking the standard feed connection for Business accounts from QuickBooks Online to it’s subsidiaries (Bank of Melbourne - Business Banking, Bank SA - Business Banking and St. George Bank- Business Banking). 

Note that this doesn’t impact personal or corporate account holders. Therefore, if your business banking account is with the Bank of Melbourne, Bank SA, or St. George Bank, you'll experience an error on your standard feed.

Click here to learn how to recover from your standard feed outage.

If you're encountering an issue that isn't listed, we've got steps to help you troubleshoot unknown bank errors. Otherwise, if it's something urgent, please get in contact with us.

We're here to help

If you need additional help or have questions, or you require assistance at any point in this process, our Customer Success team is happy to help.

Sign in to QuickBooks and start a discussion in our QuickBooks Community or join one of our Facebook Groups to connect with other like-minded QuickBooks customers. 

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