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Fix specific bank errors

by Intuit6 Updated 1 year ago

Nobody likes to get a bank error. The good news is that if you're seeing an error code on your bank feed, or a bank error message when you're manually uploading transactions, we've got a way to fix it.

This page will give you the information you need to understand and fix:

Before you start

If you can't see a specific error code or message, we’ve got some steps for troubleshooting unknown bank errors to help you get to the bottom of the issue. 

Fix an error code (a number in brackets) on your bank feed

Select the error code you're getting to view the steps to fix it:

There are 3 reasons you may see Error 101, try these!

Log in to your bank's website in a new tab or a different browser, sign in to your bank's website to see if you can get in without any errors.

Your account is considered active if there’s an existing balance, or if there were transactions in the past 12 months. If you’re supposed to have an active account but are still unable to log in to your bank’s website, contact your bank directly.

Go back to your bank’s website and look for messages that need your confirmation (e.g. terms and conditions). Acknowledge the prompt, then go back and refresh your account in QuickBooks Online.

It looks like there’s a problem on your banks' end. See Fix 102 and 105 Bank errors for more details.

Error 103 means the user ID or password is incorrect for the bank account you’re trying to connect to. See Fix 103 bank error for more details.

QuickBooks is unable to locate your account on your bank or financial institution's website. This usually happens when the account is closed.

Follow the steps to disconnect accounts connected to online banking in QuickBooks Online for more details on resolving this issue and removing the account from your Downloaded Transactions page.

Error 108 means there's a message from your bank or credit card on their website. Messages, especially ones about updates, can block the connection to QuickBooks.

Important: If you didn't see notifications on your bank's website and still see the error, reach out to your bank.

Select the following steps to get more information on resolving your issue.

  1. Sign in to your bank or credit card's website.These should be the same credentials you use to connect the account to QuickBooks. If you use something different, disconnect the account from QuickBooks and use the credentials for your bank's website to reconnect it.
  2.  Check for any updates, messages, or notifications.
  3. If you need to take any action, the message should give you specific steps.

After you review and address all the messages, sign back into QuickBooks. Here's how to do that:

  1. Sign in to QuickBooks Online.
  2. Go to Bookkeeping, select Transactions, then select Bank transactions (Take me there).
  3. Select Refresh.
  1. Sign in to QuickBooks Self-Employed.
  2. Select the profile ⚙ icon and then Bank accounts.
  3. Select Refresh all.

Banking error 109 means that your bank's website needs you to update your password with them. Sign in to your bank's website, update your password, then follow the below steps to update QuickBooks as well.

  1. Sign in to QuickBooks Online.
  2. Go to Bookkeeping, select Transactions, then select Bank transactions (Take me there).
  3. Select the blue bank square for the account you want to update.
  4. Select the Edit ✎ icon in the tile for the bank account you want to update. Then select Edit sign-in info.
  5. Update your password.
  6. When you're done, select Save and connect.

Bank error 155 means that your financial institution isn't allowing QuickBooks to automatically retrieve your data. But don’t worry, we are working on it!

Follow these steps on what to do when your bank no longer supports your bank feed.

This means that your financial institution has additional security requirements that you need to address, such as a security question or one-time passcode.

Security questions: If your bank or financial institution asks you a security question, enter your answer. You may see this error again the next time you update if you have multiple security questions. As you enter your answers, QuickBooks Online remembers the security questions you have been asked and answers for you.

If you don't see the security question pop up, you might need to try another browser or you may need to disable your browser's pop-up blocker.

One-time password: If your bank or financial institution asks for an one-time password, get your one-time password (on a device, through text, call, etc.), and enter it each time you see Error 185.

Error 187 means your financial institution’s additional security requirements, such as security questions or one-time passcodes, weren't entered correctly.

To fix this error, go to your bank’s website and follow the on-screen steps to enter the correct information. If you’ve forgotten your original answers, your bank should provide advice on next steps to help you reset them.

Error 192 means your bank requires additional sign info that is preventing QuickBooks Online from automatically downloading banking transactions. This can be in the form of an ever-changing code that's required to access the account.

To work around this issue, you’ll need to manually upload transactions into QBO.

If you see banking error 323 in QuickBooks Online or QuickBooks Self-Employed, don't worry. It means you’ve connected two accounts with similar names or account numbers, or you’ve added the same account twice.

If you have two accounts with the same name, or the last 4 digits of the account numbers are the same, sign in to your bank or credit card's website. Rename one of the accounts so each one has a unique name. Then sign back into QuickBooks and connect the account again.

If you’ve added the same account twice, follow the steps to disconnect one of them.

We can't find the account you set up when it tries to connect to your bank or credit card's website. This may be because:

  • Your bank or credit card company changed the account or moved it to a new server.
  • You changed the account name or other info on your bank or credit card company's website.
  • Your bank or credit card company issued a new account or credit card.
  • You closed your bank or credit card account.

See Fix Error 324 for more details.

Fix error messages from when you're manually uploading transactions

Select the error message you're getting to view the steps to fix it:

This can happen if one of your transactions has 12 or more digits. QuickBooks can't upload transactions this large.

To fix this, remove the transaction from the file. Then, enter the transaction as an individual sales receipt or expense in QuickBooks. Then upload the file again.

If you need, you can also reformat your CSV before you upload them.

This can happen if you're uploading a file for a different type of account than the one you selected. For instance, if you chose checking but you're uploading transactions from your savings account.

You can select Cancel to go back and select another account. You can also select OK to continue with the download.

If you need to add payments to the one that's not connected:

You can upload transactions into parent or subaccounts. However, if the related parent or subaccount is already set up for online banking, you may see an error. You can connect either the parent or subaccount, but not both.

  1. Temporarily disconnect the connected parent or subaccount from online banking.
  2. Upload the file.
  3. Reconnect the original parent or subaccount to online banking.

QuickBooks is doing its daily download of your recent bank and credit card transactions. You'll need to wait a little while until it finishes to avoid errors.

Your upload timed out. It's just a hiccup - wait a few minutes and upload it again.

You can also check the account type

Make sure you don't import to a subaccount, which is a current limitation. If you need to do so:

  • connect the subaccount directly to the bank feed, or
  • manually enter the transaction in QuickBooks Online.

There's a temporary server problem with QuickBooks. Wait a few minutes and then you can try again.

Hover over ! Bank Error to see an explanation and your financial institution's contact info. Most of the time, these issues need to be fixed on your bank's end.

In the meantime, you can:

  • Shorten the date range to download a smaller file from your bank.
  • Download a different file type from your bank. If you still see issues, reach out to your bank for support.
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