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4G Expo
Level 2

Adding BPay logo to invoices

We are adding BPay as a payment option for our invoices.


One of the criteria is that the BPay logo, Biller ID, and CRN all be included on the invoice.  I would like to ensure that each customer has their own unique CRN, rather than it changing for each invoice.

How am I able to add the logo and other info required onto the invoice?

8 Comments 8
Kass_B - Product Champion
Content Creator

Adding BPay logo to invoices

Hi 4G Expo,


While QBO does not have a setup as such to include all this information together on an invoice, I can pass this suggestion along as feedback for consideration and provide a workaround or two.


To add the BPay logo, you could explore creating and uploading your own custom form style for your invoices. This gives you more flexibility on what does and doesn't show on your invoice and allows you to add extra details like this logo. You can refer to this article for specific information on downloading templates, mapping, common errors to avoid and so on. 


While there are custom fields for invoice templates, these are not available specific to each customer. If you would prefer not to change the CRN per invoice, a workaround would be to add this on the customer's individual 'card' in a field that shows on the invoice. You could look at adding the CRN to (as an example) their billing or shipping address field:


  1. Select the Sales tab, then Customers.
  2. Click on the customer's name, then Edit.
  3. Enter the CRN in the address field (as per example) and Save. Keep in mind that most fields in the customer detail section are not customer-facing, so if you were to eg enter it in the 'Other' field, this would not come across to the invoice.




4G Expo
Level 2

Adding BPay logo to invoices

Hi Cass,


Thanks for the reply, but this really isn't a real solution.  I would need to create an invoice template for each customer, so they have a unique CRN.


I am also guessing that there is no BPay integration with QBO, so would need to manually match each payment to an invoice?


Given BPay is so widely used and accepted, this is just another nail in the coffin for QBO for us, especially considering the significant price increase earlier in the year.

Kass_B - Product Champion
Content Creator

Adding BPay logo to invoices

Hi 4G Expo,


I apologise and understand how this would be a helpful feature and have passed this on to be considered in a future product enhancement. To clarify, you won't need to create an invoice template for each customer. Rather, you could add the CRN to their customer details in a field which would then display on their invoices moving forward.  


QuickBooks can absolutely match a received amount in a bank feed to an open invoice, or you may want to check the App store for possibilities for integrations. While these are third parties and we are unable to recommend one's features over another, each has a section for reviews, FAQs and so on so you can see what other QuickBooks users may have found helpful. So you know, while some apps can create the payment to be matched in QuickBooks, or QuickBooks itself can make the match, they are unable to automatically add the the final match to your books - this final step of matching is still done by yourself as the user to ensure accurate reporting.



Level 2

Adding BPay logo to invoices

This is really important to us also.  I am trying to add BPay to multiple clients who use QuickBooks Online.  In my view, this should be a really simple integration.  I have discovered, however, that it is not.


Despite this, the EZ Map Fields are far too limited in order to be able to do this in any simple way.  My preference would be to use invoice numbers and add the required check digit to the invoice number to make it a compliant Bpay customer reference number.  Is there a way to either integrate an excel spreadsheet with a lookup function that could cross reference the invoice number and add the appropriate check digit?  Or, is there a way to provide QuickBooks Online with a list of invoice numbers rather than the system generating sequential numbers?


Or, if wishing to assign each customer a unique customer number (that can be used as the BPay reference number) are there any Scalar Fields that can be mapped that would be appropriate to enter this number into in QuickBooks Online?  Best I can see is the Customer's Tax Registration number, however this prefixes the number with "ABN" on the invoice.  Is it possible to not have this prefix appear?


A BPay solution needs to be urgently addressed in Australia.

4G Expo
Level 2

Adding BPay logo to invoices

I am glad you have brought this up, as I am nearly at my wits end trying to find a solution.

I have also tried everything you mention, but cannot find a solution.


Something so simple should be included.  But it seems, unless you use PayPal, QBO is not interested.


Level 2

Adding BPay logo to invoices



BPay is so common in Australia that it has to be considered as important payment option. 


Even if it was possible to map just one sensible field from the customer information you could "make do".  Using a shipping or billing address is not a real option.


Have you managed to work any solution as yet?  The only way I can see to do it is to add a custom field to invoices but then you need to manually add a CRN to each invoice.


Aside from everything else, the "lower" discounted PayPal fees start at 1.7% plus $0.20 per transaction.  I am charged a flat fee of $0.95 per transaction for BPay (regardless of the customer's payment method) which makes BPay cheaper for any invoice greater than $50 (which is all of them).


4G Expo
Level 2

Adding BPay logo to invoices

Interestingly, Quickbooks don't accept BPay as a payment method either.  


Given that our invoices are generally between $1000 & $10,000, PayPal is just not viable, nor are the other alternatives such as Square.  The fees run into hundreds of dollars for these 2 options.  The customer isn't going to pay them, and we as a business cannot afford to absorb these costs.


Xero and Reckon both have BPay functionality built in, and QBO even has the option to MAKE BPay payments, but cannot accept them.


Our accountant has suggested moving to a different platform, and it certainly being considered, simply because of the lack of support from QBO for something that is so commonplace within Australian businesses.

Level 1

Adding BPay logo to invoices

Been asking for this for 5+ years now.  Still no way yet to show a number on an invoice.  What is worse, is that the suggested solution of adding it to a Shipping Field no longer works, as QBO in all of its wisdom, automatically fills in the company name in the shipping field, so you cant even just display a number...  


Also, still no way to customise a statement sent to customers...  Again, more than 5 years on after the promise..