New Features For QuickBooks
Discover QuickBooks’ latest innovations and updates. Each one offers an easier way to manage your business finances, saving you hours of admin so you can focus on your path to success.

What a great way to start the new year! As part of our ongoing commitment to enhancing the QuickBooks platform and providing exceptional value to our customers, we’re releasing a range of new product features across QuickBooks Online (QBO) and QuickBooks Online Accountant (QBOA).
These features span various areas including dashboards, integrations, sales and expense overviews, customer and project management, and the QBOA Work experience. Additionally, some features will be released to everyone and others will be released in phases.
The Swag mobile app has been rebranded to Employment Hero Work (EH Work). No action is required, you can use the app as usual, with the same features and functionality available. New users can download the EH Work app from the Apple and Google Play stores.
Creating timesheets on behalf of employees used to be only available to full-access users. Now, this feature is also available to restricted users with “create timesheet” permission.
Users with this permission can create timesheets on behalf of employees they have been given access to.
Read this Creating timesheets on behalf of employees article for more information.
To reduce manual data entry and improve data completeness, we've enhanced our transaction categorization feature. QuickBooks now automatically suggests payees based on historical or similar transactions, enabling you to categorize transactions with greater detail and accuracy.
Where required, you can now export your Work items to Excel or a CSV file. You can access this new export option using the 3-dot menu on the dashboard or by visiting the Export Page in the product.