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billable items

I have service items setup and have the purchase info and sales info setup correctly, I think. I enter a bill from my vendor, I choose the service item that has a cost of $65 and sales price of $100 and I mark that line as billable and assign a customer.  When I invoice the customer and choose to add the billable expense, it comes into the invoice but it wants to bill at the cost instead of the sales price setup in the service item.  How do I get QBO to invoice for the sales price instead of the cost price?


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billable items

I will share details and steps on how to make sure the correct amount is used when creating invoices, greenbkpr.


Please know that QBO will only use the sales price/rate if the item is directly used when creating sales transactions, and not from billable expenses. You'll need to turn on and use the markup feature so it will automatically calculate the correct sales amount. 


Here's how:


  1. Go to the Gear icon and select Account and Settings.
  2. Proceed to the Expenses tab and look for Bills and expenses.
  3. Check the box for Markup with a default rate of, then type the percentage of the markup to use in your invoices.
  4. Choose Save and click Done.





Once done, you'll see a section for the markup rate when creating an invoice. Here's an article that talks about this feature for more details: Enter Billable Expenses.

Let me know if you're able to bill your customer with the correct amount. You can also post follow-up questions if you need anything else.