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Level 2

GST liabilities account and GST centre

Journal entry  for MV purchase dated 01/01/2022. GST on purchase of $5521 allocated to GST liabilities account which I can see in the account. When I prepare the March BAS using the GST centre in QB, this amount is not included in the GST purchase reporting. Therefore do I have to manually include this figure? Can I manually adjust the IB figure in the GST centre? And what is the flow on affect into Lodgeit? Thank you

1 Comment 1
Level 8

GST liabilities account and GST centre

Hello dkjones,


At the moment we're unable to manually edit the figure in the GST Center. You'll have to double-check the accounts used on the journal entry and also make sure there is a GST code applied to the journal in order to report them in your GST or BAS report. 


I'd recommend running your GST Detail and GST Summary report to check the transactions for the said period. Here's how:


  1. Click on the GST tab.
  2. Click on Run reports.
  3. Click on GST Detail and GST Summary, and select a specific period and accounting method.
  4. Click on Run report.

Also, you can check the links about lodging BAS and GST in QuickBooks:


If the issue remains, I'd recommend checking in with our Customer Care Team to help check the journal entry you've created.


Message us back if you need more help with GST. I'll be around to help.