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Level 1

Casual employee - ordinary hours and weekend loading

How do I make it so that a Pay run will automatically detect that an employee worked on Saturday and apply the appropriate weekend loading? I have already changed the Payrate in the Employee Details.  However, when I do a Pay run, it just shows all hours as the 'ordinary hours' rate, regardless of if it is the weekend or not. Thanks.

3 Comments 3
QuickBooks Team

Casual employee - ordinary hours and weekend loading

Hi pm9,

To apply the appropriate weekend loading, first we need to set up the Pay Categories. When a pay category is linked to a base pay category, you only need to specify the base rate for the employee and the rate for the linked pay categories will be automatically calculated. To set up this up, please refer on this article on how to Manage Pay Categories


After we set up the pay category, then we set leave loading for an employee and lastly apply leave loading in a payrun. This article will guide you on the steps on how to set this up:


Thanks for dropping by the Community.

Level 1

Casual employee - ordinary hours and weekend loading

I already did those but it doesn't automatically apply the correct pay rate. I've attached a screenshot (image1)- the highlighted day is a Saturday but it just treats it like a normal weekday. I then manually click the 'Saturday' under 'Permanent Ordinary Hours' and the pay rate changes successfully but then all the information (hours, description etc) disappears. So I need to make sure I copy the hours somewhere and then paste it back in, which is extremely time consuming since I need to do it with all our staff. 

Level 8

Casual employee - ordinary hours and weekend loading

Hi pm9,


If you're using the Standard payroll, you'll have to check and make sure to set up a pay category for the Saturday rate through Payroll settings, and then click on Pay categories


To set up a new pay category:

  1. Click on the Employees tab.
  2. Click on Payroll settings.
  3. Click on Pay categories.
  4. Click Add, and enter the pay category name like Saturday rate or etc.
  5. Complete the set up like Rate and Penalty loadings for the Saturday rate.
  6. Click on Save.

Then, go to employee details and set up the pay rate for the Saturday pay category.

  1. Click on Employee list.
  2. Click on the employee name.
  3. Click on Pay rates.
  4. Locate Saturday pay category.
  5. And set up Rate and Units.
  6. Tick box for SHOW IN PAYRUN.
  7. Click Save.

Then, create a new pay run and see how it looks. If the issue remains, please make sure that the Pay run default has been configured correctly for the employee affected.


You can check these articled for a more detailed steps on how to Create and manage Pay Categories 


If you need more help or have any questions, we'd recommend contacting Customer Care Team


Feel free to reply if you have any other questions. Have a great day!