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Katrina Wang
Level 1

How do I generate correct PAYG withholding report?

The pay run amounts of July became August in PAYG withholding report because the cash is paid in August instead of July. So does the August amount in pay runs as it became September in PAYG report. How do I adjust the PAYG report to make the record time the same as in pay runs?

1 Comment 1

How do I generate correct PAYG withholding report?

Hi Katrina,


Thanks for posting in the Community! The PAYG Withholding amount in BAS is based on the paid date of your pay run. If you need to adjust the reporting of PAYGW on your previously lodged BAS, you may contact our support team for BAS unlodgement. Then unlock the pay run to adjust the date paid and refinalise. 


Here's how to change a date paid of a pay run: 


  1. Open a pay run.
  2. On Pay Run Actions dropdown, select Adjust Pay Period.
  3. Select Date pay run will be paid.
  4. Select Save.


Once you confirm that all details on the pay run are correct, you can click on the Finalise Pay Run button. Then you can run PAYG Withholding Detail or Summary report to confirm if the amounts are correct. 


You can also check this article for your reference: What to do when BAS amounts look incorrect


Feel free to post again if you have any other questions. Have a nice day!