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Level 1

With jobkeeper 2.0 tier 2

Reported in both pay slips for OCT by adding assign tier 2 to the payslip. and then went to ATO for declaration , but it shows me no tier was choosed . Called the ATO , they said there is something is wrong with the coding from STP software. Can quickbook fix this . thanks
19 Comments 19
Rebecca_A Product Champion
QuickBooks Team

With jobkeeper 2.0 tier 2

Hi Sffhbgtddsswwsddf, 


Thank you so much for reaching out. This appears to be a common issue at the moment. We've raised this with our Payroll Team to look into as a priority. 


Would you mind contacting the Support Team with your Company ID so one of our experts is able to add your file to our investigation and keep you informed? 




Level 2

With jobkeeper 2.0 tier 2

I have the same issue as well.  Any updates on a fix.

Steven_Product Champion
QuickBooks Team

With jobkeeper 2.0 tier 2

Hi Paranor, 


We are aware of a current issue reporting JobKeeper 2.0 to the ATO through the payroll system. As we are collecting companies details to attach to our escalation I kindly as you reach out to our support team by clicking here. Hope to hear from you soon so we can add your details for a resolution. 







Level 1

With jobkeeper 2.0 tier 2

Is there any update on this?, Same issue here, I have lodged several pay run updates successfully and still not correct on ATO site, just says the same "missing tier"

Steven_Product Champion
QuickBooks Team

With jobkeeper 2.0 tier 2

Hi RG2006, 


We understand the wait is frustrating and apologies for the inconvenience. Our product engineers are working closely with payroll specialists now to get this issue resolved so pay runs can be lodged correctly.


If you haven't already, I kindly ask you contact our support team by clicking here so we can raise a ticket under the company details and notify you immediately once it is solved.





Level 1

With jobkeeper 2.0 tier 2

Can we please get an update on what is the ETA on when will the Tier be reported to the ATO. There is a deadline on when we have to do a declaration. I mean we can do it over the phone with the ATO but we just don't have the time to stay on the phone.
Level 1

With jobkeeper 2.0 tier 2

Agree, its crazy it really needs to be sorted asap!

Level 2

With jobkeeper 2.0 tier 2

On the ATO website it has the reporting as JK-TIER1 not jobkeeper. Should we try this?

Steven_Product Champion
QuickBooks Team

With jobkeeper 2.0 tier 2

Hi julie30, 


When considering assigning a JobKeeper Tier please use the steps below to supply the payroll's systems option that will help you notify the ATO correctly until the issue is resolve. I have supplied the steps just in case you haven't gone through them already.  


  1. Click on the employee's name accessing the employee's pay and clicking on the green Actions button
  2. The select Add JobKeeper Payment, it will bring up a drop down menu please select Assign JobKeeper tier from the options dropdown list you have the options of: 

We will have an update soon and you can always click here where you can subscribe and be notified on updates to this current issue alert. 





Level 2

With jobkeeper 2.0 tier 2

On the ATO website it has the reporting as JK-TIER1 not Jobkeeper-Tier1. Should we try this?

Rebecca_A Product Champion
QuickBooks Team

With jobkeeper 2.0 tier 2

Hi julie30, 


Thanks for reaching out. The pay categories and tiers are in-built in Payroll so if we pin point this is the exact issue we will need to update this at our end. 


We will let you know here when there is an update. 




Rebecca_A Product Champion
QuickBooks Team

With jobkeeper 2.0 tier 2

Hi Julie30, 


The ATO have identified the issue preventing users from being able to complete JobKeeper reporting with the applicable Tier 1 and Tier 2 codes, and will be applying the suitable fix over the coming days. This issue has impacted users across various software providers.


If you have lodged with codes "JOBKEEPER-TIER1" or "JOBKEEPER-TIER2" to fulfill your JobKeeper 2.0 reporting obligations (as per the steps outlined here) and successfully submitted the pay event from that pay run, you have followed the correct process.


The applicable data has been received by the ATO but has not been recognised within its system. This has resulted in the information not being displayed on the relevant Monthly Business Declaration with the ATO.


The applicable JobKeeper Tier data will be available for you to use in your Monthly Business Declaration with the ATO by Wednesday 11 November.


To support the employer, the ATO have advised that they will be accepting Monthly Business Declarations until the end of November.




Level 2

With jobkeeper 2.0 tier 2


I have made new categories with the JK-TIER1 etc and have lodged them again I hope this works

Level 1

With jobkeeper 2.0 tier 2

Julie can you keep us updated if this does work for you or not?


Level 1

With jobkeeper 2.0 tier 2

Anyone got it working since yesterday

Level 2

With jobkeeper 2.0 tier 2

I just logged in and it now shows the Tier status in preview list.  So mine was fixed and I just lodged claim

Rebecca_A Product Champion
QuickBooks Team

With jobkeeper 2.0 tier 2

Hi Everyone, 


We've received notice that the ATO were able to process updates overnight and all JobKeeper Tier reporting should now be available for the processing of the declaration.

Please let me know if you are not able to see this? 




Peter 3
Level 1

With jobkeeper 2.0 tier 2

The tier 2 levels are not appearing in the pay run. What step am I missing?
Rebecca_A Product Champion
QuickBooks Team

With jobkeeper 2.0 tier 2

Hi Peter 3, 


Can I please clarify if you meant that the Tiers are not showing in the Pay Run or in the STP Pay Event and/or ATO Portal? 


If they are not in the Pay Run you can add them by: 

  • Navigating to the Employee
  • Selecting Actions 
  • Choose Add JobKeeper Payment and Assign Tier 
  • Select Finished 

Please let me know if you have any other questions. 


