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Level 2

I have an estimate with 46 items, but i need to only invoice for 13 items. QB desktop had the function to invoice by QTY, but in QBO i cannot find it

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QuickBooks Team

I have an estimate with 46 items, but i need to only invoice for 13 items. QB desktop had the function to invoice by QTY, but in QBO i cannot find it

I've got your back, @BranoD. Let me share some details to help you convert some of your estimates into invoices in QuickBooks Online (QBO).


In QBO, we can utilize the progress invoicing feature that allows you to split an estimate into as many invoices as you need. However, this option isn't available yet for the new estimate and invoice layout.


Here's how to turn on progress invoicing if you haven't already:


  1. Go to Settings ⚙ and select Account and settings.
  2. From the Sales tab, click Edit  in the Progress Invoicing section.
  3. Turn on the Create multiple partial invoices from a single estimate switch.
  4. In the Update your invoice template? page, tap Update.
  5. Hit Save, then Done.


Once you have turned on this feature, QuickBooks creates a default progress invoicing template. Use the premade Airy new style template whenever you make a progress invoice. Refer to this article to construct a new template: Set up and send progress invoices in QuickBooks Online.


Furthermore, there's no direct way to select how many items are to be converted into invoices in QBO, but you can manually calculate the Amount of items. To calculate, simply multiply the rate of your items by how many quantities you'd like to invoice. For example, 113 (Rate) x 13 (QTY) = 1469. Thus, enter 1469 in the Amount section to invoice the 13 items.


You should be able to convert your estimates into invoices by following the steps above. Feel free to post again or comment if you have additional questions about your sales transactions in QBO. Have a great day!

Level 2

I have an estimate with 46 items, but i need to only invoice for 13 items. QB desktop had the function to invoice by QTY, but in QBO i cannot find it

Thank you very much Kevin.

This is already working but i cannot choose the quantity of items. so If I am selling only 13 out of 46, on one line, that means every time I have to recalculate the % of sales which in this case is 28.261% which is a little silly. In the old QB desktop, we could just put in 13no. of items and the rest was just calculated automatically. If i have 40 line items on an quote, which is actually a sales order, (as QB online doesnt support Sales order) that makes tracking of customers and open sales orders (quotations) impossible, and we have to revert back to Excel sheets.

Including Sales Orders as a part of QB Online would be more then helpful for all customers out there.


I have an estimate with 46 items, but i need to only invoice for 13 items. QB desktop had the function to invoice by QTY, but in QBO i cannot find it

We understand the advantages of including sales orders as part of QuickBooks Online (QBO), BranoD. Since this capability is currently unavailable, we encourage you to send feedback or product recommendations to help improve the features and your experience with the platform.


Our product engineers continuously seek to fulfill our customer's needs, and your input is vital in deciding which features will be added in upcoming updates. To send a product recommendation, follow these steps:


  1. Go to the Gear icon.
  2. Select Feedback.
  3. Type in your recommendation in the Share your feedback field.
  4. Click Next.


Additionally, once your customer pays your invoices, record the payments so your accounts stay balanced.


Feel free to get back to this thread if you have other feature concerns or questions about managing transactions in QuickBooks. We'd be more than happy to help.

Level 2

I have an estimate with 46 items, but i need to only invoice for 13 items. QB desktop had the function to invoice by QTY, but in QBO i cannot find it

Hi Rea.

Thank you for your reply.

The community of users has been asking for the Sales Order Feature since 2019, and 5 years later still no progress. If customers are not being heard, eventually they give up and move away.

I have noticed that the US versions are more extended then the EU versions. Also being a UK subscription user, the menus and system interaction of the UK version is much better then the EU one. I wonder why we all can't have the same functionality everywhere.

Level 11

I have an estimate with 46 items, but i need to only invoice for 13 items. QB desktop had the function to invoice by QTY, but in QBO i cannot find it


why we all can't have the same functionality everywhere


Depends on market share in each region. Consider using an inventory management app with the sales order feature to integrate with QBO or switching to another accounting app.

Level 2

I have an estimate with 46 items, but i need to only invoice for 13 items. QB desktop had the function to invoice by QTY, but in QBO i cannot find it

Hi 4Gal

if a company removes the support for a software you have been using since 2004, and all your accounting is based on them, what do you think your answer means. That Intuit is a company that doesn't care about their customers and sends them to competition? That sounds like an idiots solution to a challenge and problem. 1st we wont provide the software anymore, then we remove functionality, then we tell customers to go somewhere else. Absolutely brilliant, splendid, phenomenal. 

If you do not have a solution to a problem, silence is sometimes the master.

Level 11

I have an estimate with 46 items, but i need to only invoice for 13 items. QB desktop had the function to invoice by QTY, but in QBO i cannot find it


That Intuit is a company that doesn't care about their customers and sends them to competition? That sounds like an idiots solution to a challenge and problem.

Intuit has discontinued their service in France, Mexico, India, and Brazil last year.


If you do not have a solution to a problem, silence is sometimes the master.

Which problem? You can use a 3rd party inventory management app with the Sales Order feature to integrate with QBO.


If you don't like use the 3rd party solution, you can switch to another accounting app like this one.




I can also recommend a 3rd party conversion service provider if required.