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Level 1

QBO customer service actively screwing me over

We all know that QuickBooks Online customer service sucks, but this time it's just too much.


I had a new employee start in March and when they received their 2nd paycheque, I requested QBO to make changes to some of the amounts. And of course, they screwed. that. up. 


The 2 existing paycheques were voided, but correction/replacement paycheques were never issued. How do you just forget to do that?


So I had to go back to customer service to fix that issue, and as I always do based on past experience,I strongly emphasized them to make sure that the YTD amounts on the paycheques are filled in the chronological order of the paycheques (which, uh duh? obviously?).


And... of course they screw it up again... but somehow worse than before? I didn't know that this was possible... genuinely...


So I go back again to request to fix the YTD amounts. And this one representative, oh my lord, were they ever so condescending and talked down to me as if I was stupid, and refused to help me with the payroll edits. I spent over an hour with them, sharing my screen and walking them through the issues, and he agreed time and time again that something was clearly wrong. But when I asked to get help fixing it, they would flat out refuse and gaslight me by saying that nothing is wrong and I don't know what I'm talking about? When they literally a second ago agreed that something was wrong? 


So I stopped the call, got their name and case ID, and then talked to yet another agent who sent me the payroll correction form and link to get the issue fixed. They told me to just upload the forms and that they would fix this issue right away. I uploaded the form as soon as I got the link, because I just wanted this nightmare to end...


This was on Friday... and on Sunday I get an email saying that they closed the case without fixing the issue because I didn't email them? Huh? When I went through all of this and submitted the correction form like they asked me to? But then now I had to go through all of this again with another agent? But then what, have it not be fixed again or just get it ignored and closed like this?


This has to be a joke right? Like this is some grand prank someone is paying them to put on? At this point this one employee was paid 5 times but has like 15 paycheques with all the voided and incorrect paycheques...


I just cannot fathom the incompetency I've gotten from QBO customer service lately. And I'm posting here because there is literally no way to get attention from someone else other than these QBO customer service representatives who have made my working life a literal nightmare.

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QuickBooks Team

QBO customer service actively screwing me over

Hi there, 


Thanks for joining the Community. It's vital you get the help you need with QuickBooks. Rest assured, I'll be happy to steer you in the right direction so you're on the right direction with achieving your goals.


Based on what you've shared above, I see you benefiting more by contacting our support team outside of the Community. This ensures that your account info remains private and secure. A specialist will also be able to share your screen and help you further with this. You can reach out to our support team by dialing 1-855-253-1536. To find out more about our hours and other contact methods, please follow this link here: Contact QuickBooks Online Support


Feel free to keep me posted on how you make out. I'll be here.

Level 1

QBO customer service actively screwing me over

Hi James,


You clearly didn't read what I wrote above. If you aren't going to offer an actual solution please keep shut.


With all due respect.