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I have sales that is coming up as direct labour cost, how can i change that

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I have sales that is coming up as direct labour cost, how can i change that

Hello there, @jacobs-denzil-gm


Let's go to the Income account field of your sales items or services. This way, you can change it from direct labour cost to the correct one. I'll guide you how. 

  1. Go to the Sales menu and select Products and services.
  2. Locate the product or service. 
  3. Select Edit from the Action column.
  4. In the Income account drop-down list, change Direct labour - COS to the appropriate one. 
  5. Check the Also update this account in historical transactions box. 
  6. Click Save and close. Repeat the process for the other items. 


The screenshot below shows you the last two steps. 



If the "Also update this account in historical transactions" box is missing when editing the items, I'd suggest deleting those sales forms. Then, recreate them so the changes will take effect. 


Then, you can run the Profit and Loss Detail report to get the difference before and after performing the steps above. Just go to the Reports menu and select it under the Business overview section.


For my sample illustration below, I changed my income account for my items from Direct labour - COS to Sales. The Net Income will still be 20,000 since these are sales transactions. 



Lastly, I recommend going to the Sales page to view, edit, copy, delete, void, or print your money-in transactions. It helps you effectively manage them in the program.  


Click the Reply button below if you have other concerns. I'll be around to lend a helping hand. Take care.