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Level 1

I have successfully matching bank transactions from a downloaded file imported a HSBC credit card bank file to reconcile. Why won't QB allow me to find a match.

sorry my first post doesn't quite make sense. I have successfully downloaded bank transactions from a HSBC credit card file into QB to reconcile. (HSBC does not have a feed option). I want to match some of the transactions with invoices I know I have in QB but the Match function will not bring up anything.  Dates are correct.
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I have successfully matching bank transactions from a downloaded file imported a HSBC credit card bank file to reconcile. Why won't QB allow me to find a match.

Hi  finance-oceanblu,


Thanks for posting in the Community! In QuickBooks Online, there are several reasons why you're unable to match your transactions. These are due to the following:


  • Transactions have been previously matched to another downloaded transaction.
  • Transactions were not entered using the same bank account.
  • The transaction entered manually in QuickBooks could have a different number, amount, date or payee from the downloaded expenses.
  • Transactions are already reconciled.

You may check the transaction you're trying to match to the bank feed to see if it is not matched or reconciled yet and if it is a payment, make sure the bank account you've selected in the Deposit to or Payment account field is the same as with your bank feed. 


For your reference, you can check this article: Find and categorise transactions in QuickBooks


If the issue persists, I'd recommend checking in with our Customer Care Team to further check your transaction on file.


Feel free to post again if you have any other questions, we're here to help. Have a great day! 

Level 1

I have successfully matching bank transactions from a downloaded file imported a HSBC credit card bank file to reconcile. Why won't QB allow me to find a match.

Hi, thanks for the reply.  I am a longtime QB user so I have already addressed all of the areas you suggested.  I thought maybe someone else had experienced the same problem. It is strange that when select "find match" "Show", "Search" do not find any transactions.  I have 3 other bank account fees and an American express feed that are working fine so i think it must have something to do with the file been uploaded and not a linked account.


I have successfully matching bank transactions from a downloaded file imported a HSBC credit card bank file to reconcile. Why won't QB allow me to find a match.

Hi finance-oceanblu,


Thank you for your response. For us to further assist you with matching your bank transactions, appreciate it if you could contact our Customer Care Team to further check your account in a secure space. 


Message us back if you have any other questions, we're here to help.