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Level 1

How do i stop QBO from updating all PayPal transactions to the same payee/category (they are different)? Its so frustrating how QBO just assumes they are all the same!

3 Comments 3

How do i stop QBO from updating all PayPal transactions to the same payee/category (they are different)? Its so frustrating how QBO just assumes they are all the same!

I want to make sure this banking issue is taken care of, corazonsystems. With this, I'm here to share with you the steps on how to fix it. 


Based on the details you've provided above, it seems you're using banking rules in QBO. It could be the Auto-categorise and auto-add option is selected in the Rule page. This may be the reason why the system is updating all of your PayPal transactions to the same payee and category. 


To help stop this, here are the two options you can perform: 

  • Disable the bank rule.
  • Select the Auto-categorise and manually review field. This lets you manually review the transactions before you add them to the register. 


Here are the steps for the first option:

  1. Go to Banking from the left menu. 
  2. Select Rules
  3. Find the specific rule name. 
  4. Click Edit from the Actions drop-down. 
  5. Toggle the Enable Rule option at the bottom part of the Rule page. 
  6. Click Save


For the second option, repeat the first to the fourth steps above. Then, modify any necessary information and choose Auto-categorise and manually review in the Rule window. See the screenshot below for your visual reference. 



You can always visit this website: Banking Rules Overview. It provides you more details on how to create or import rules and manage your recognised transactions.


It's a great idea to reconcile your account on a monthly basis. This ensures the balance in QuickBooks matches your bank statement. To learn more about this process, go through this article: Reconcile Accounts


I'll be right here to help if you need further assistance. See you around, corazonsystems.

Level 1

How do i stop QBO from updating all PayPal transactions to the same payee/category (they are different)? Its so frustrating how QBO just assumes they are all the same!

Hi RaymondJayO


Thanks for your response. I have checked and can confirm that none of my rules had  Auto-categorise and auto-add option selected. They were all set to Auto-categorise and manually review.


I should also point out that its not just for the PayPal tx but for others as well that issue is happening.


We get paid through direct debit using Ezidebit. As you can see from the attached screenshot, there are 2 transactions, 18th & 19th Dec. They are from different customers (but QBO records the last matched Ezidebit customer transaction and changes them all to that one, which it has done in the screenshot).


When I record/update either of those transactions and match it to the relevant customer, it will update the other one to that customer as well. It also allocates Category to Uncategorised Income and the GST accordingly. There is no rule setup for Ezidebit transactions. 


QBO seems to have a mind of its own and randomly applies "smarts" to transactions like PayPal or Ezidebit.



QuickBooks Team

How do i stop QBO from updating all PayPal transactions to the same payee/category (they are different)? Its so frustrating how QBO just assumes they are all the same!

Hi corazonsystems, 


Bank Rules can be very temperamental if not set up correctly.


Please use the guidelines and structure set out in the following article to ensure that your bank rules are set up correctly and have the correct logic -


Sometimes its a matter of trial and error, if you feel like you're not making any progress then please give our Customer Service Representatives a call on 1800 463 038 and we can try and go through it with you together.

