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Level 1

Sales dashboard incorrect

My sales dashboard figure is incorrect. It is $757.90 more than the sales amount in the profit and loss report for the same period. The $757.90 is for an invoice amount paid by a customer twice in error. It was allocated as a deposit to accounts receivable and has now been refunded and accou8nts receivable now back to $0. 

Why does the dposit of $757.90 get included in the sales dashboard when it is not applied to an invoice and has been refunded?

7 Comments 7
Level 8

Sales dashboard incorrect

Hi Von-1,


Thanks for your post in the Community!


The Sales dashboard in QuickBooks Online will display all transaction under uncategorised income accounts and deposits. As compare to the Profit and loss report this will show transactions using income and expense accounts.


I would recommend checking the following to compare the sales dashboard and the P&L report:


  • The date ranges of the reports do not match.
  • The accounting bases of the reports do not match.
  • Sales items point to incorrect sales accounts.
  • The P&L report includes transactions that do not use items (e.g., the Expense Tab on a bill or a journal entry).
  • List or transaction damage in the company data file.

We can also run a report like your Transaction List by date or the Transaction List by Customer and filter it to show All sales, invoices and other income transaction.


Also the amounts on your dashboard's Sales graph are based on the sales transactions in your account for the specified period. This excludes journal entries posted to your sales accounts and calculated sales taxes.


Post again in the Community if you have further concerns. I am around to help you.

Level 1

Sales dashboard incorrect

The date range is set to this financial year and on a cash basis which is the same as the P&L report.

As the $757.90 is a deposit for a customer payment made in error it was refunded to the same customer 2 days later. I don't understand why then it shows in the sales dashboard?

Level 8

Sales dashboard incorrect

Thanks for checking out the information, Von-1.


There is no way to change how that Dashboard Widget works, it will really include any deposits created, so I would advise using the P&L or a different Sales report that best fits how you record your sales.


  • Please make sure that the two reports are of the same period.
  • Run the Profit and Loss report and Sales by Customer Detail/Summary report and check the Accounting method and report period.
  • Make sure that the GST code of the transaction is not set to Out of Scope (Sales) instead change the Amounts are Out of Scope of GST.

I would recommend contacting our Customer Care Team to help check your transactions and reports in QuickBooks Online. 


Drop by again in the Community if you have other concerns.

Level 2

Sales dashboard incorrect

I agree. Something has changed in the way the dashboard sources its information.

My sales widget is displaying a total sales figure over $50,000 higher than the actual sales figure in my P&L report.




Level 2

Sales dashboard incorrect

...from what I am experiencing, the dashboard is adding values from Bank Transactions when they are being categorized. 

Level 8

Sales dashboard incorrect

Hi nybf,


Thanks for getting back to us. The Profit and loss report in QuickBooks Online will show figures excluding GST amounts. As compared to the sales dashboard in QBO it will show total sales including the GST.


Furthermore, let's check also the following below to compare you sales dashboard and P&L report:


  • The date range doesn't match.
  • The accounting basis is not the same. 

In the meantime, let's run a different report to help you compare your sales income with your P&L report. Let's first run the Sales by Customer Summary report. Here's how:


  1. Go to Reports from the left menu.
  2. Enter Sales by Customer Summary in the Search box and select it. 
  3. Set the Report period to This Month or Last Month.
  4. Hit Run Report.
  5. Click each amount to check its details. 

You can check this link to learn more about the sales dashboard: Get started and adjust settings after you sign up for QuickBooks Online.


If you still need further assistance with your sales dashboard vs your Profit and loss report, I would recommend contacting our Customer Care Team. That way, they can further help you check your sales figures.


Drop by again in the Community if you have further concerns with QBO.

Level 1

Sales dashboard incorrect

Is there anybody in Quickbooks that knows anything about double entry bookkeeping?


What is the point in even having a sales dashboard graph if no one in Quickbooks knows how to pick the relevant data. The only thing that should be included is sales revenues, what on earth was whoever set up this graph on when they thought it would be a good idea to include sales deposits as well as basically you are then double counting. You make a sales of say £100,000 plus VAT in a month. Your sales revenue for the month is £100,000. But oh no, Quickbooks have a better idea lets also add in the receipt/deposit for those sales in to the figure i.e. £120,000 (£100,000 + VAT as clearly you know nothing about basic accounting). So instead of showing the correct sales figure on your dashboard of £100,000 some Einstein at Quickbooks thought it would be good to show a sales figure of £220,000 being the £100,000 sales plus the receipt for that sale plus the relevant VAT. Totally unreal, you couldn't make it up - but clearly Quickbooks can. And this has been showing this way from probably whenever Quickbooks was first set up. Please sort it out, we all know Quickbooks do some stupid things but why make it so obvious!!!