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Level 1

How do I exort reports from expensify to quickbooks?

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QuickBooks Team

How do I exort reports from expensify to quickbooks?

Hope you're doing great, @kmpmake-gmail-co.


It's my priority that you'll be able to export reports from Expensify to QuickBooks Online successfully.


To help you with exporting reports from Expensify, I recommend reaching out to our Intuit Developers. This team is the best resource for such inquiries as they are the experts in connecting two different applications, so you'll be able to export your reports to QuickBooks Online.


You can reach our developers through this forum: Intuit Developers.


Know that my doors are always open to help if you have any other concerns. Just visit me here at your most convenient time. Keep safe!

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

How do I exort reports from expensify to quickbooks?


If you need to pick and choose just a handful of your expenses to export, you can trigger the export from the Expenses page. If you need to export entire reports, you can trigger the export from the Reports page. To do this, select the reports you'd like to export, click "Export To", and then choose the default CSV, or you can choose to create your own CSV export template.


Then you may utilize TPImporter to import the data in bulk.