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Level 3

Why does QBO ask me to update my credit card for 3 months even though I did 3 months ago, it expires in 2027, and I paid a full year subscription already?

I updated my card in Nov, but it has the same popup every day covering my screen for 3 months now and nothing will get rid of it.
4 Comments 4

Why does QBO ask me to update my credit card for 3 months even though I did 3 months ago, it expires in 2027, and I paid a full year subscription already?

Hello there, danvers.


Let's figure out why QuickBooks still asks you to update your credit card information even though you've already updated and paid the subscription.

First, let's isolate this popup message by accessing your QuickBooks Online account in a private browser. Unusual behavior and error messages can happen when our browser stores too many files and cache. If you haven't tried it yet, please follow these shortcut keys.


  • Google Chrome: Ctrl Shift 
  • Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge: Ctrl Shift 
  • Safari: Command Shift 


If the same thing happens, we can go back to your regular browser and clear the cache. Alternatively, we can also use other supported browsers. 



After performing the details above and still getting the same popup message, I'd suggest reviewing your credit card details. Make sure to re-update the information, if necessary.


If you're still getting the same result, please contact our Support Team to check your billing status and to further investigate this matter in no time. Within your QBO account, go to Help in the upper-right corner. Then, click Contact us.


To learn more about managing your QuickBooks account, here's an article for you: Manage billing, payment, and subscription info in QuickBooks Online. This article contains information on how you can view your billing history.


You can always update me in this thread on how these things go. If you have more concerns with your QuickBooks subscription, please don't hesitate to post again. Take care and stay safe. 

Level 3

Why does QBO ask me to update my credit card for 3 months even though I did 3 months ago, it expires in 2027, and I paid a full year subscription already?

Yes it still shows in a private browser.

I even BOUGHT A NEW COMPUTER in Dec and got the same thing.


" I'd suggest reviewing your credit card details"


I just said I reviewed and updated in Nov. It expires in 2027. The message says my card will expire /this month/


I also reviewed and updated using the popup 3 times in Dec and twice in Jan, because I figure SOMETHING must fix it. It's still showing.


I also went in via the settings and updated my card, again, 2 times, just in case.



Also, since THREE MONTHS have passed, I wouldn't have access if my QuickBooks subscription isn't valid.


I'm paid up til DEC @2023


QuickBooks Team

Why does QBO ask me to update my credit card for 3 months even though I did 3 months ago, it expires in 2027, and I paid a full year subscription already?

I appreciate you for following the troubleshooting steps provided by my peer above, danvers.


Let me make it up to you by making sure you get the best help available, so this gets sorted out right away.


As much as I'd like to take care of this, the Community is a public platform, and we want to protect your security and privacy. I recommend contacting our Technical Support Team to review your account securely and investigate why you're still getting the pop-ups prompting you to update your credit card details.


Here’s how to get in touch with our representatives:


  1. Log in to your QuickBooks Online (QBO) account.
  2. Click the ? Help button at the top right corner.
  3. Go to the Search tab, then select Contact Us.
  4. Enter a brief discussion about your concern, then click Continue.
  5. Choose a way to connect with us.


You can also see this article for more details, and be sure to check their support hours to know when agents are available: QuickBooks Online Support.


Additionally, you can visit our Community Help Articles hub in case you need related articles to manage your account.


Let me know if you need anything else regarding your QBO subscription. I'm always around to assist you. Keep safe and have a good one.

Level 3

Why does QBO ask me to update my credit card for 3 months even though I did 3 months ago, it expires in 2027, and I paid a full year subscription already?

Useless. Every chat spend 20-30min explaining the situation, and your bots try to get me to reboot/reset/everything like I'm a computer idiot. They are incapable of doing more than following their flowchart.


Then they will 'escalate'. Of course a year on nothing's changed.


It's such an easy fix, it's clear nobody has even looked at the code.