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Level 1

We encountered an error while processing the request. Error: CMN.ATO.AS.EM060 - was reported as and will need to be corrected to . Reason code 1012.

I have check the ATO records and all appears OK although in the past, GST has been completed by a Tax Agent. I'm trying to lodge straight from QuickBooks without using my agent.

1 Comment 1
Level 8

We encountered an error while processing the request. Error: CMN.ATO.AS.EM060 - was reported as and will need to be corrected to . Reason code 1012.

Hi B25,


If you're lodging a specific BAS period and received the error code 1012, I'd recommend checking the PAGY Instalment amount is the same amount the ATO is expecting you to lodge. We'd recommend checking your ATO business portal and making sure the amount you're lodging in the GST center has the same figure. 


Furthermore, I'd recommend checking your GST and PAYG Withholding Amendment reports and verifying if there are amendments showing. Here's how:


  1. Click on the GST Tab.
  2. Click on Run Reports.
  3. Click on GST Amendments and the PAYG Withholding Amendment report.

If there are changes made on the GST and PAYG amendment report, I'd recommend contacting our Customer Care Team to help you unlodge the previous BAS and provide you with further assistance on the process. This way we can ensure that amounts and settings are correct.


Feel free to comment below if you need more help with QuickBooks Online. The Community is here to help you. Have a nice day!