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How can I delete the stand-down for an employee, previously created and how can I manage in the pay run?

1 Comment 1
Georgia - Product Expert
QuickBooks Team

How can I delete the stand-down for an employee, previously created and how can I manage in the pay run?

Hi info1542,


By delete the stand-down for an employee, do you mean reactivate a terminated employee? If you do mean that, you can follow these instructions:


  1. Go to Employees from the left menu. 
  2. Set the employee view to All Employees
  3. Select the terminated employee from the list. 
  4. In the Employee Details page, scroll down to the bottom and choose Re-Activate Employee.
  5. Click Activate to confirm. 


The screenshot below shows you the fourth step. For detailed instructions, check out this article: Re-activating An Employee



After that, you can create a pay run to the reactivated employee. Then, click Finalise Pay Run. You can also select Actions to add adjustments to your employee’s earnings.  


If the employee is subject to withholding, you can lodge a pay event with the ATO after you finalised the pay run. To learn more about this process, visit this article: Create and Lodge A Pay Event


Thank you, 
