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Ive already paid employees through JobKeeper a different way what do I do now?

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Ive already paid employees through JobKeeper a different way what do I do now?

If you've already processed pay runs with paid dates on or after 30/3/20 you'll need to complete two steps


  1. Adjust the pay category used to pay the employee so far
  2. Notify the ATO of JobKeeper start fortnight

Adjust the pay category used to pay the employee so far


If you have already created a new pay category to pay the topup amounts for pay periods up to now then all you have to do is change the name on the pay category you've been using to the name the ATO has provided ie. JOBKEEPER-TOPUP

To edit a pay category name:

  1. Select Employees from the left hand menu
  2. Select Payroll Settings
  3. Select Pay Categories 
  4. Select the pay category you created earlier
  5. Update the name to JOBKEEPER-TOPUP the select Save

The next time you pay employees using the pay category the YTD earnings will be properly reported to the ATO.

If you've used an employee's"usual" pay category for the top up earnings to date you'll need to go ahead and create the new pay category following the instructions outlined here, (look for the section "

How to report JobKeeper payments through STP")

then in the next pay run, reverse the total top up amount to date out of the "usual" pay category and put them in again using the new/properly named pay category, to do this:

  1. Select the employee's name in the next pay run to expand the pay run record
  2. Click on the Actions button and select Add earnings
  3. Choose the existing pay category and enter a negative number of units to reverse the total top up earnings out to date
  4. Select the Actions button again and choose Add earnings
  5. Choose JOBKEEPER-TOPUP and add the total JobKeeper earnings back in again

Note: the net effect of these two earnings lines will be $0 but when you lodge the pay event the payments will be correctly reported to the ATO.


Notify the ATO of JobKeeper start fortnight


Follow the instructions in How to create a pay category for the "JobKeeper Start Fortnight" (found here)to create the appropriate JOBKEEPER-START-FN## pay category then follow the process to add that pay category to the same pay run you've adjusted the pay category in.


Note: It doesn't matter which pay run you use to notify the ATO when you're claiming the subsidy from, it's the name on the pay category that's informing the ATO, not the pay period it's reported in.