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How do I add a unit cost for a product for my profit and loss sheet in such a way that i dont have to mark it off against an account as an expense

I don't want to mark the unit cost of my products off against an account and it is easier to do my P&L report on quick books rather than excel. So i was wondering if there was a way to add a unit cost without it going off against an account?
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QuickBooks Team

How do I add a unit cost for a product for my profit and loss sheet in such a way that i dont have to mark it off against an account as an expense

Hello there, nicj. I'll provide information about the Profit and Loss report and what other details you can add to it inside QuickBooks Online (QBO).


A P&L report only shows the revenues, costs, expenses, and profits/losses the company accumulated in a specific period. The documents provide information on the company's ability to generate income, manage costs, and more. You can modify the report and add columns for the previous period, filter to show specific data or edit the header or footer of the report. That said, adding a unit cost section inside the report is unavailable.


You can export two separate reports and edit them manually outside the program. You'll then merge those data to achieve the details that you need. If you wish to continue with this method, these are the steps:


  1. Access your QuickBooks Online company.
  2. On the left navigational bar, click the Reports tab.
  3. Search for and select the report you want to export.
  4. At the top of the report, select the Export icon. Then select Export to Excel.
  5. Save the file somewhere you can easily find, like your Downloads folder or your desktop.


Refer to this page for more details: Export your reports to Excel from QuickBooks Online.


Furthermore, you can also this article to help you add more details to a report or highlight a specific area of the business: Customise reports in QuickBooks Online.


We look forward to having you here again if you need assistance handling financial reports or any additional QuickBooks-related questions. Our team is always ready to lend a helping hand. Stay safe.