I have desktop Premier Plus Pro contractors edition 2023. Desktop Version.
Please have someone call me {REMOVED}. When I called to purchase I was connected to a person who spoke English like you hear on the television news. From an American station. Not from Beijing or Manila or Jakarta. With babies crying in the background or roosters crowing. Call me with the voice of a real person. Not AI.
When I bought the desktop version, I was led to believe the downloaded software was mine after it was paid for. Then charges were sent to my card for "support". The rooster did not answer any questions. About a year ago I was threatened that if I did not upgrade, support would be withdrawn. Even that functions would cease to work.
My dear new friends, from some other country, just went around my questions.
So answer my question. Why am I paying $151 to Intuit Quickbooks that I have no support? What happens when I stop paying your extortion?
Give me an answer. You can sell your product to me through an agent who sounds like she grew up in the midwest. Please communicate to me through the same type person. Not ESL. EFL. I bet {REMOVED}. speaks english as clear as {REMOVED} or {REMOVED}..