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Fix bank error 103

Learn how to fix error 103 when you connect your bank to QuickBooks Online.

If you see error 103, it usually means the user ID or password is incorrect for the bank account you’re trying to connect to. Here’s how to fix this error for both existing and new connections.

Or, learn how to connect your bank or credit card account to QuickBooks Online.

Step 1: Confirm your sign-in info is correct

It’s always good to make sure you have the correct user ID and password for the bank account:

  1. Open a new window in your web browser and go directly to your bank’s website.
  2. Make a note of the web address (e.g. This may come in handy later.
  3. Sign in with the user ID and password you have.
    Note: If you have separate accounts with the bank (such as a business account and a personal account), sign in to the account you want to fix in QuickBooks.
  4. If you sign in successfully, then you know the user ID and password are correct. If you get a sign-in error, follow your bank’s instructions to get your user ID, reset your password, or both.

Once you’re sure about your user ID and password, move on to step 2.

Step 2: Enter your bank sign-in info in QuickBooks

Now you’re ready to sign in to your bank account in QuickBooks.

For an existing connection

  1. Go to Transactions and select Bank transactions (Take me there).
  2. Select the bank or credit card account you need to update.
  3. Select Edit ✎.
  4. Select Edit sign in info.
  5. If your web browser auto-fills the user ID and password fields, clear them. This ensures your browser doesn’t put in old info by mistake.
  6. Manually type in the user ID and password for your bank account. If your bank offers a Show option, select it so you can confirm you entered the password correctly.
  7. Select Save and connect.

For a new connection

  1. Go to Transactions and select Bank transactions (Take me there).
  2. If you're connecting an account for the first time, select Connect account on the landing page. Or if you've already connected online banking accounts in the past, select Link account.
  3. In the Search field, enter your bank's web address (such as that you got from visiting the bank’s website. Or, enter your bank’s name.
  4. Select your bank in the search results. Note: If you see multiple options, select the type of account you want to connect. For example, if you’re trying to connect your business account, select the option labelled “Business” if there is one.
  5. If your web browser auto-fills the user ID and password fields, clear them. This ensures your browser doesn’t put in old info by mistake.
  6. Manually type in the user ID and password for your bank account. If your bank offers a Show option, select it so you can confirm you entered the password correctly.
  7. Select Continue.
  8. Your bank should connect successfully now. If you see error 103 again, select Go back. Repeat steps 4 through 7 with a different option from the search results.

Note: If needed, you can manually upload the transactions to QuickBooks.

Still getting the error?

You can reach out to our support team and we’ll work with you to fix this problem.

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