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Level 2

We can’t upload everything from your file

Suddenly File Import doesn't work in Quickbooks Online. I reached out to Quickbooks Online support and they put in a ticket but this is the worst time for this to happen as trying to get my taxes done. Hoping someone has seen this issue. I have tried various file imports it says it imports but in the transactions to review window it shows "All Set with This Account" and nothing imports. When I try using a csv file it shows the transactions but won't let me go through with the import it says "We can't upload everything from your file" Is there any workaround for this issue?

5 Comments 5
Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

We can’t upload everything from your file

If Support acknowledges there is an ongoing issue in the system, consider using a third party importer tool for the time being.


QuickBooks Team

We can’t upload everything from your file

Hi there, cbucks.


I appreciate you for posting here in the community and sharing what you've done to see the cause of the issue you're experiencing. With this, I'll be providing information on what happened after submitting a specific problem to our engineers.


Since you already contacted our support team and a ticket has been raised, rest assured that you're now added to the list of affected users. You'll receive updates through email once the issue is resolved. You can also send or reply to them using the existing email to check the status of this matter. Also, you may reach out to our support again if you need more details about the case.


Just in case, I'll add these articles for future reference:



Let me know if you have other questions about uploading your bank transactions or if you ran into a different situation by adding a reply below so I can look further into this. Have a great day!

Level 2

We can’t upload everything from your file

Any update on when this will be fixed. This is the worst time for this to be happening with taxes due tomorrow


We can’t upload everything from your file

Hello @cbucks,


I know how crucial taxes are and taking care of them on or before the due dates. Allow me to step in and provide updates about the issue.


The investigation is still open, and a specific time frame for the complete fix is unavailable. Rest assured, our engineers are working diligently to get this feature back on track.


While waiting for the resolution, I suggest following the recommendation of @Fiat Lux - ASIA. You can use a third-party app to help you import transactions temporarily.


However, we can't suggest a specific application you can use with QuickBooks. If you want to look for one, you can use these steps:


  1. Sign in to your QuickBooks account.
  2. On the left navigation bar, click Apps.
  3. Use the search field to look for an app.


I've attached a link you can use to learn more about importing data to QuickBooks Online, like the limitations to the rows when uploading a spreadsheet: Common questions about importing data to QuickBooks Online.


Don't hesitate to let me know if you have any additional questions regarding importing data or managing taxes. I'll be around to help you some more.

Level 1

We can’t upload everything from your file

I am not sure if this will work for all, but after being utterly frustrated with QBO not importing all the bank transactions from my csv manual upload file.  I tried this and it worked - Good Luck!


The issue may be that the description cell may be too long or have too many characters (I was trying to import over 700 lines and that was after my original file of 2,000+ didn't go in).  What I did was copy the description column to a blank space in the excel file (ie if my bank description was column B, I just copied it to column F) and then from the toolbar used Data - Text to Columns.  From there I chose Fixed Width and from there hit Next you will then see a ruler on top of the preview data box and I just picked a shorter cut-off, (ie if you scroll over you may notice text going past 100).  I chose a shorter cutoff that would at least get me the jist of the transaction (I stopped at 80) and then clicked a line under the 80.  It will create a cut off line at that spot and when you hit finish all other characters after 80 will fall into a separate column (in this case since I copied into column F, the rest fell into column G).  I copied my new shortened description column F back into the original description column B and deleted column G for the run off.


After that ALL my bank transactions lines were captured!

You may have to play around with where to cut your description characters off, but play with it and see if that helps!
