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assign foreign currency to supplier

I have setup foreign currency

However when I want to add a bill in foreign currency there is no dropdown list - only the home currency is possible


how to set it up?

1 Comment 1

assign foreign currency to supplier

It's nice to have you here, plush777.


When you turn on the multi-currency feature, it uses Home currency as the default currency. In your case, let's make sure you've already added a foreign currency to your supplier.


Here's how:

  1. From the left menu, go to Expenses.
  2. Select Suppliers, then New Supplier.
  3. Enter the supplier's name and other info.
  4. From the I pay this supplier with dropdown menu, select the currency you use to pay this supplier.
  5. Select Save when you’re done.

Read more about adding suppliers with foreign currency in QuickBooks Online (QBO): Add a supplier with a foreign currency in QuickBooks Online.


If it's an existing supplier, you and you've already recorded transactions with them, you can't change the currency. However, you can make the supplier inactive. Then, you can follow the steps above to add a new supplier.


For the steps on how to inactivate a supplier, you can visit this article: How to edit, delete, and restore list elements.


Once done, you can now add a bill in a foreign currency. Jus go to Expenses, then Suppliers. From there choose a supplier you want to create a bill with. I've attached a screenshot for your reference:



You might also want to visit our QuickBooks Online learning guides for tutorials and webinars about the product.


I'll be right here if you have further questions about managing currencies. Keep safe and have a good one.