I would just add that, as an accountant here, we do NOT want to see "Uncategorized Expenses" used. Every expense needs a category. Before your books are done ea...
Thanks for your reply, Fishing.You are right. I was able to confirm that YES, the local service tax (LST) DOES come out AFTER the other payroll taxes. Well I gu...
Thank you. I have no problem setting up the Local EIT. The issue is with an additional local tax, called Local Service Tax. QBO makes me set it up in "Deduction...
Thanks Kiazzymae.I had done all of that before and yes, the Deductions and Contributions item is correct. I suppose will have to call QBO PR which I was trying ...
Rainflurry is right from an accounting perspective. Once tax returns are complete using the data in QBO, you do NOT want to make any entries to those books, bec...